Status: Would love comments for continue...x

A Chance Encounter!

The Club Is Alive!

I'd waited for a week and eventually the Batman showed up with a smile on his masked face 'Thank-you Harley, you've helped me and even fixed my other suit! I've spoke to Bruce and he's promised to be home within the hour.' I smiled at him and laughed "I'll believe that one when I see it, he never is truthful to what time he's going to home." I kissed his cheek and then padded slowly into my bedroom, switching on the lights and grabbing my little black dress and red kitten heels, I proceeded into the bathroom and slipped into the dress for the police ball.
An hour later I appplied my red lipstick and grabbed my black clutch back before heading to Bruce's room knowing he wouldn't be there, however to my surprise there he stood trying to finish his tie I smiled and walked in "I didnt think you were going to be home." Bruce smiled and looked at me 'Ofcourse i'm going to be here...Batman told me you didn't believe him.' I blushed and linked my arm through his and we walked to the car and got in, Alfred waved us off and I smiled "I love living here with you never really left me i've always known your still alive."

When we arrived at the huge building complex I gawped "An what floor are we on again?" I looked at Bruce as he held out his arm to help me out of the Aston 'We're on floor 22...The last floor apart from 23 which is out of bounds because of electrical problems.' I clutched my bag and frowned "I hate heights." Bruce smiled and pulled me towards the elevator which arrived as we got there, as we stepped in I growled to myself the elevator felt like it was flying upwards. Upon arrival we stepped out and I frowned again the music was slow and classical it was going to be a long evening, Bruce smiled and kissed my cheek 'Go and mingle...ive got to talk with Harvey Dent' I nodded and walked towards a group of police men and women. As I approched them two of the blokes walked away and I frowned they had seemed familiar for some reason "Hi, I'm Miss Wayne, Dont the music tire you i mean they could put on my favourite song by JLS. I'll ask Bruce" they all looked nervous and were wringing thier hands, I shrugged and saw Bruce coming towards me "Sorry I have to go." I walked towards Bruce who pulled me into a hug and ran his hand down my face and I completely forgot that they were even there, I smiled and looked into his eyes "Don't leave me again" I looked at him and he smiled 'I won't...But the governer of police wants to talk with both of us.' Bruce and I talked with the governer for an hour or so when the music began to change "You changed it for me?" I smiled at Bruce and he shook his head as he looked around and then excuse me and himself from the govener and began pulling me towards the elevator.

Just as the elevator came into view I lost grip of Bruce's hand "Bruce...Bruce, where are you?" I hissed and panicked. Nervously I stumbled forward and thats when I felt a hand slip into mine again "There you are i thought Id lost you!" I whispered as i was pulled back towards the centre of the room and the song kicked in fully, I was pushed roughly in the back and I hissed as my ankle twisted slightly and thats when I heard a crooning voice sing my favourite lyric 'The club is alive with the sound of music...who's that girl in the spotlight oooh cause she turns me on...' I screamed in shock as a beam of light hit my face and then lit up the faces around me which were all cloaked in clown masks, my mouth formed a small "Oh" as they turned me to the stage where the Joker stood grinning manically.
In that instant to not be uncovered as the other maniac in the room I knew I had to do something and so I began to dance to the beat, I heard gasps from the other guests as the dancing lead me towards the Joker and his goons followed me. "It seems like me and you Joker have dealings. Let everyone here go and you can have me Harly-quin Wayne for ransom." I smirked as his face portrayed no emotion but his eyes swiftly looked at each of his men who all shrugged chuckling stiffly the Joker smirked 'Deal.' The Jokers goons all then grabbed me and I hissed "Hands off if you actually know what is good for you!" I turned to check and make sure that everyone was being let go when I noticed Batman in the corner I mouthed to him "Sorry Batsy, tell Bruce I love him and it's been fun but I have to do this." he nodded and shouted at the Joker who jumped and snarled. 'Joker your in trouble! I won't pursue you tonight because miss Wayne made a promise. But your future freedom is short!'

Ten miutes later and the building was empty, even Batman had left I smirked as I looked around "Well that was certainly intresting, I've never seen the police department move so fast except for grabbing some donuts. However you now know why I use the name Harlequiin, you see it was never your idea i've always been labelled as Harley Quinzeli Wayne." I watched the Jokers face go from amusement to anger and back to amusement again before he smirked 'So your the daughter of famous mob boss Nile Quinzeli? You probably won't remember but we have met before it was even stated by your father that we one day might marry. The meeting was thanks to my wonderful drug riddled mother and her scheme to get more drugs, but ofcourse you wouldnt remember ou were only two and I four. Then the fire happened and your parents were found dead and you were presumed completely burnt up, however sources have since found out that your mother gave you to her sister to babysit you while they went out and when your mother died her sister moved you to the adoption agency. The whole of the crimeworld reeled of the death of the most famous mob family in Gotham and it was decreed that no building would be built over their murder site.' I listened to him with my eyebrow raised before I burst into insane giggles "So what we're betrothed or something! Thats nonsense I've been with the Wayne's ever since I can remember and then I was in Gotham for seven long and tiring years, dont you think if someone caught whiff of my name that i'd be freed by some criminals?"

I threw my arms u in the air suddenly and everyone ducked except the Joker and I laughed before turning serious "Have you got a getaway vehicle and are we going to your hideout? Because frankly im sick of talking, sick of this stupid dress and these stupid shoes. If not im going home as in back to the Wayne manor." As I spoke the word home the Joker came and lay his hand agressively on my shoulder and whispered into my ear 'Come on toots, Humor me.' I nodded and then he directed me to the lift where we went up and he smirked 'I love it when they make top floors carparks, and then the electricity doesn't work.' he laughed as we arrived at the floor and then blindfolded me and placed his hand in mine and led me towards the van, he threw me in roughly to what I presumed was the passenger side and I bounced smaking my head off the roof, an then he started the van and we began driving.
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I've had this written down for months, Ive even got a few more chapters but im going to add them slowly because I'm evil XD Only kidding im just not going to overload people with too many chapters too read at once...unless you think you can take that.
I know the choice in music is not to everyones tast but it so happens that I was listening to that song at the time I was writing this.
I had to write this twice because first time I did it, mibba decided I wasnt logged on and I hadn't copied it at all....I was a little angry because it was slightly longer first time around but o-well :D
Let me know what you think, although please try to be gentle XD Comment and subscribe please xxx