Someone Like You by BoysLikeGirls

Chapter 1-Girl meets Boy

Girl meets boy.

Hi my name is Cathleen Sanders. I use to live in America, but now, I had to move to the Philippines. For personal reasons. I am at my senior year. I’m only 16, but I’m a senior, you could say that I’m pretty smart, and I would fit perfectly in the Filipino school. Most of the students there, are 16 of age and are seniors, I guess I’m just a little advanced. You may wonder what the hell happened that I had to live on the other side of the world, I’ll tell you, just not now. Right now, all I need is a fresh start. A fresh new life.

“Cathy! Wake up! Time for school!” mom shouted.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” I replied. It’s the start of the second semester. It was a miracle I got in this school. Although we had to pay more, cause you know, it’s the second sem and I’m a senior blah, blah, blah. Anyways, I really do wish I’ll make some good friends here. I jogged down stairs.
“I’m here” I announced, although not necessary, I just like doing that.
“Eat your breakfast now missy, or you’ll be late.” Mom instructed.

Since I was 10, it was always been me and my mom. My dad died a month after my tenth birthday. He was diagnosed by cancer stage 4 when he showed symptoms. It was a tragic loss for all of us especially me and mom. Good thing my mom came from a wealthy family, and so is my dad. So we didn’t have any trouble with money. We only needed to face grief.

Back to reality, my school is just a walking distance, awesome. Although I wouldn’t have any reason to be late. Well that just sucks.

“I’ll go now okay mom?!” I called. She’s in her room, making the bed or something.
“Okay! Be careful sweetheart! Love you” she replied.
“Ok mom. Love you too!” I yelled as I was leaving the house. I sighed deeply.
I walk out and heaved a heavy sigh again. I guess my life would never be the same again.
I crossed the street, making my best not to be that nervous. I mean, I’ve handled first days. What’s so different with this?

how about you’re in a new country?
Or, you don’t know what will happen next? Cause you’re in a different culture?
How about that?

You just have to emphasize that don’t you brain??

Yes, yes I do.


So, anyways..yes.. I do talk with my brain. It makes me think better. I arrived here at my new school. Doesn’t seem bad, although the dates are messing with me, their summer vacation is April and May, then they resume classes at June, I mean, seriously? This other-side-of-the-world thing is seriously messing with me. Where’s that administration office?. Looking. Looking. Looking. Found it! I entered the door.
“Um.. Good morning, is this where new students go to?” I said. So unsure of what the hell I’m talking about.
“You must be the new student” a lady around maybe mid 40s greeted me. “Here’s your locker number, and this is your class room”
She gave me a ¼ size paper with notes scribbled on it. Locker 118, and room St. Damien, it says here that it’s located at the second floor, left part.

Apparently, they have permanent room assignments here and the teachers are the one who’s going room to room. So I get to stay with the people in my room for the rest of the school year, hmm.. I think this is nice. I guess we’ll see.

It’s the second half of my fourth year, just a few more months and I’m free from high school. College is just merely knocking on my door. I bet I’ll have a better time there than in high school. Not that I don’t have friends, but I just think that college is actually better.

Right now, I’m at locker area thing in our school. Taking some books for the morning class.

“Lorenz!” someone yelled at my back. I quickly snapped my head to that direction to see who it is. Its Ryan.
“Hey, why so early?” I asked. Its 6:45 am, and the bell will ring in 15 minutes, so it’s a pretty stupid question.
“Pakopya ng assignment sa Physics” (Let me copy your homework in Physics<~ in English from Filipino) Ryan asked with a stupid look on his face.
“Dude, is that like a puppy-dog face to make me do what you want? Cause, well, you do look like a cute (bleh) one, its just you look like deformed or something.” I laughed at that, and then he made a face.
“I’ll let you copy! Just never EVER do that face-thing again, Halloween may be near, but that doesn’t give you the right to make that face” I laughed hard again while giving him my paper, look of disgust and triumph spread across his face. Sometimes, I’m a REALLY messed up person, oh wait! Not ‘sometimes’, all the time! Stupid.

Bell won’t ring in around… *looks at my watch*
“12 minutes” I muttered. Huh, I got time to sleep. I walk to my classroom, half of the seats are empty, the other half of the population in our room are probably outside, flirting, being all cheesy and icky and bleh. I sat down in my seat beside the door at the very back, best seat in any classroom you’ll ever be, you could do just anything. I crossed my arms placing it above my armchair, and my head above my arms. Time to sleep!

~Bell rings after a few minutes~
“Dud! Wake up! Teacher’s here” someone told me. One of my classmates that I never knew the name, he’s probably a new student, cause if he’s not, I would’ve known him.
“Thanks” I said, rubbing my eyes, yawning right after.
“Good morning class” Mr. V greeted. (Short for Veloso)
“Gooooood mooorniiing Sir Viieee” <- that’s how we say it. We prolong the pronunciation like pre school kids. What? Its fun. After greeting, all of us took a seat. No one is seated in front of me, the kid who is suppose to dropped out, cause of some personal I-couldn’t-care-less problem that she has –yes, she’s a girl-

“Now, I would like you to meet somebody, she’s a new student and she came from the US. So be nice. This is her first time here” some of my classmates were like ‘ohhhh’ .. ‘Cool’

“Please come in Miss Sanders and introduce yourself” as soon as he said her name, some kid walked in.
“My name is Cathleen Sanders, please call me Cathy” she greeted with a shy smile. I think she’s nice.

“Please sit down in front of Lorenz; it’s the only vacant seat as you can see”. Mr. V ordered her; she just made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth, like she just understood what Mr. V said. She walks towards me.

“Hi” she half smiled while arranging her things on the floor.
“Hey, I’m Lorenz” I greeted. After that, she was already harassed by one of my girl classmate beside her.
“Hi! My name is Gail!” Gail beamed. This girl is sometimes is too happy, or excited. Sometimes I imagine her drinking 1 gallon of coffee every morning.

Gail got her talking; I think they’ll make perfect friends. After class, when I was about to leave, Cathy-new girl-Sanders called me.

“Nice to meet you Lorenz” she cried.
“Same” was all I said, and I smirked at her, I’m not into long conversations

>>~!The End!~<<.
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