One Shots

Never Gonna Give You Up

When she was 14, Bobby Mappins had gone out with a certain boy by the name of Jack Barakat.

He was abnormally tall for a freshman, and skinny, too. But he had gorgeous brown hair, and eyes that sucked you in and never let you go...and he was an amazing guitarist.

Of course, she was the only one who had ever heard him play.

For three years, up until senior year of high school, actually, he had serenaded her to sleep with sweet chords of his guitar.

"This is only for you," he would whisper in her ear, and she would smile softly and fall asleep in the crook of his arm.

But that all changed when he got into a band.

All Time Low.

"Bobby," he said, taking her hands in his. His eyes were alight with excitement. "Guess what?"

"What, Jack?" she said, putting on a fake smile, just for his sake. He had been different ever since he had joined the band.

"We're going on tour!" he shrieked, and suddenly dropped her hands, jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Tour?" Bobby echoed dully, her hands hanging limply at her sides.

He wasn't even listening. "Can you believe it?" he went on. "Tour! Us! We got signed! Isn't that amazing? We're gonna be rich and famous!" He laughed wildly, spinning around the room.

"W-when do you leave?" Bobby stuttered.

"Next week," Jack answered giddily.

Her heart dropped along with her jaw. Did he even care?

"Jack, what - what about us?"

He blinked, turning back to her. "What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?" Bobby shrieked, her voice raising three octaves. "I'm talking about three years, Jack Bassam Barakat! All this 'band stuff' is getting to - "

He suddenly turned on her. Usually Jack Barakat was a very happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but when he was mad, he could make the devil shit his own pants.

"'Band stuff'? Band stuff?" he repeated, glaring at her. "This 'band stuff' is my life now, Bobby. If you can't be considerate enough to make room for this, then you don't belong in it."

She stared at him, her violet eyes round. She pressed her pink lips into a thin line and clenched her fists. "Fine, Jack," she hissed. "Maybe I don't."

She snatched her jacket up from the chair and stalked out of the room.

He didn't stop her.

But now, a year later, Bobby thought she had fully recovered from The Barakat Syndrome, as her friends called it.

But today she was going to an All Time Low concert.

It definitely wasn't her idea - it was her best friend's birthday, and though she might not have liked Jack Barakat, her best friend loved the music he made.

Bobby cringed as she stood in the crowd of people and Alex Gaskarth began to play. She remembered him from her high school years - Mr. I'm-So-Popular-Let's-Go-Have-A-One-Night-Stand.

Personally, Bobby didn't like any of the band members.

But maybe it was just because of Jack.

Who knew? The point was, she couldn't wait for this night to be over.

The unfamiliar songs started and ended, Alex said shit that all the girls swooned and then cracked up at,and Jack made a fool of himself while Zack and Rian stayed sensible and silent.

"Thank you everyone, and good night," Alex said.

Bobby turned to her best friend, Ashley. "Can we go?"

Her best friend frowned at her. "Bobby, you promised me I could stay afterward to meet the band."

"I know half of 'the band'," Bobby hissed. "And they're not exactly worth meeting."

Ashley pouted. "Bobby, please? You don't have to say a word. Just come with me to meet them. Please? For my birthday?"

She was always such a little pushover.

"Fine," she said, scarcely believing she was giving in.

They waited for an hour and a half to meet one cute guy, one drummer, one arrogant asshole,and one heartbreaker.

"OhmyGod," Ashley shrieked. "Alex Gaskarth. Alex fucking Gaskarth. Oh, my God. And Zack and Jack - you guys are so gorgeous!"

Bobby did a touble take. She had planned to stay silent and invisible, but this was just too much. "You think that asshole is gorgeous?!"

"Hey!" Zack, Jack, and Alex exclaimed.

"Not you, Zack," Bobby said apologetically. "And not you, Alex - well, actually, nevermind."

Alex and Jack's faces darkened.

It killed Bobby that Jack didn't recognize her.

She hadn't changed that much after he had left; she had only cut her hair to her shoulders instead of her mid-back, lengthened her bangs, started applying thicker eyeliner.

"The fact that you don't remember me proves my point," she spat. There were hot tears in her violet eyes. "Ashley, now can we go?"

Ashley sighed and started to walk away.

"Wait," Alex called after her. "Bobby Mappins?"It was so sad that her ex boyfriend couldn't recognize her, but his best friend could.

She squeezed her eyes shut and slowly turned around. "What."

Alex sent a glance at Jack, who was staring at her, the oddest expression in hissexy eyes.

"I and Jack have some talking to do."

Jack jerked his head up.

And Alex led them all into the band's dressing room.

'Led them all' meaning that he pushed Jack and Bobby inside, and locked the door on them.

"Work it out, you two!" Alex yelled from the outside. "When I come back, I want to be interrupting make-up sex!"

Jack snickered and then stopped at Bobby's glare. "Shut the fuck up, Alex!"

"I'm just saying..." Alex's voice trailed off, and Bobby heard Ashley's giddy laughter.

Oh boy.

"How are you going to get us out of this one, Barakat?" Bobby always used either his full name or just his last name when she was pissed.

And now, she was more than pissed.

She was ready to take Jack Barakat'ssmexy form, stab it a few times, wrap it in cellophane, and ship the body off to Puerto Rico.

"You sound sexy when you're pissed." Jack smiled at her, trying to get her to laugh.

It didn't work.

She crossed her arms and started to pace.

Two and a half hours later, she was still pacing.

"I'm not staying with you in here all night," she said tensely.

Jack shrugged from his position on the ground, against the wall. He was eating a packet of Skittles. Well, actually, he was making a flower with Skittles on the carpet.

"Alex isn't coming back until we...I don't know. Talk. Well, actually, I don't know when he's coming back. Wouldn't it suck if - " He started to go into one of his famous rants.

"Not. Now," Bobby growled.

He obediently shut up.

The hours passed.

Bobby seriously regretted giving Ashley her cell phone.

Her eyelids started to droop.

She curled up on the couch in the dressing room. Her thoughts slowed down with her breathing, and soon Bobby Mappins was asleep.

She woke up to someone else's breathing on her neck.

She slowly turned around. Jack Barackat was cradling her in his arms, his eyes open.

"Jack," she whispered, and didn't move. She was frozen. She was in his arms.She was where she was meant to be.

"I have a question for you," he whispered.

She cleared her throat. "Yes?" His breath still smelled like cinnammon.

"If I told you...that I was a dipshit for leaving you? That...that every single day, every concert, every minute on the road, I can't stop thinking about you? What if I told you I loved you?"

She was crying. "I'd tell you you're a liar."

Jack's eyes dropped. "And what if I kissed you?"

She stared at him in confusion.

And then he did just as he said - he kissed her.

And she kissed right back.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was kinda long and I was tempted to make it more than a one shot.
But I didn't. Because I'm shivering and it's cold and no one's giving me a hug yet. :[