One Shots

It's Time For Us To Take A Chance

For Keilani Lum's whole life, she had been Brendon Urie's best friend.

And for Brendon Urie's whole life, he had been looking for that one girl.

"I just can't seem to find her," he complained to Keilani one day after school. They were walking throughout the park, linking arms. Keilani leaned against Brendon's tall, wiry form. To anyone else, they would look like a cute couple.

"You'll find her, don't worry," Keilani said, forcing a small smile.

Ever since two months ago, odd things had been happening to Keilani Lum.

She had started to think that Brendon's annoying habit of demanding a piggy-back ride wasn't annoying; it was cute.

For the dorky glasses he put on; they didn't make his nose look bigger, it just made him look sexier.

And whenever they came in contact with one another - which was quite often, actually - Keilani's heart rate accelerated tenfold and she could barely breathe.

For example - right now, as they walked through the park, she was struggling not to have a heart attack.

Brendon stopped what he was saying and looked down at Keilani. "Are you okay?" he asked, frowning.

Keilani inhaled a wild gasp of air. "Perfect," she squeaked. "Do continue."

He smiledadorably and did as she told. "It's just...every girl I come across, there's no sparks, you know?" He frowned. "And when there are sparks...she thinks the whole thing is pointless." He threw up his hands in frustration, accidentally hitting Keilani in the face.

"OW!" she shrieked, her hand flying to her now pink cheek.

"Oh my God!" Brendon screamed, and started laughing.

"Don't laugh at me," she said shrilly. "That hurt!"

"Your cheek is pink!"


Brendon smirked and tried to hold in the giggles, but he couldn't.

Keilani rolled her chocolate brown eyes and walked ahead of him.

"Keilani! Wait!" He chased after her.If he could only do that every day.

She stopped. "What."

He pouted, his lower lip sticking out. He looked down at her, batting his eyelashes. "I'm sorry."

She sighed, faking pissed-offness.

"Forgive me?"

She considered. "Only if you give me a piggy back ride."

"Done deal." He bent down and she hopped on his back. His hands tightened under her thighs [ UM. That sounds...interesting, doesn't it? o.O ] and Keilani laughed as he started to run.

He nearly ran over a little kid, standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Mommy, look!" the kid shrieked. "I WANT A PIGGY BACK RIDE!"

The mother quietly soothed the little kid. "Later, Justin. Leave the teenage couple alone."

Teenage couple? Keilani thought scornfully, a blush coloring her cheeks. Who even says that?

"Oh, we're not dating - " Keilani started, for Brendon's sake, but he pinched her knee. "OW!"

"Shhhh," he hissed. He smiled at the little kid and pulled a Tootsie Roll out of his pocket. "Here ya go."

The kid took it delightfully, and the mom smiled at Keilani and Brendon. "You two are adorable, by the way," she said. "I remember being in love." She smiled softly and then led the little kid away.

"Only you would have a random Tootsie Roll in your pocket," she remarked sarcastically.

"You're just jealous because all the kids love me," he said.

"Sure," she said, still thinking back on the mom, who had thought they were dating.

Why had Brendon pinched her and told her to shut up?

"You know, I bet that lady's a major gossip," she started, as Brendon continued walking. She pulled on his ear. "Hey! Are you listening to me?"

"Yes. What are you talking about?"

"The lady you told that we were dating," Keilani persisted. "I bet she's a major gossip and everyone in town is going to think we're dating now."

Brendon laughed. "Her fault for being a gossip!"

"Well, yeah. But why did you let her believe that?" Keilani wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"I thought it'd be fun," Brendon shrugged. "Let's pretend that we're dating for a day."

"Why?" Keilani asked, totally flabbergasted. Of course, she didn't mind, but still...

"I'm bored." Brendon let her slide off his back and suddenly took her hand.

She felt dizzy at his touch.

"Ready, sugar?" he asked, sending her a totallygorgeous cheesy grin.

"You know it, sweetheart," Keilani replied, just as sweetly. For one day, she was going to get her dream.

For one day, Keilani Lum was going to date Brendon Urie.

Please, let this day never end, she prayed silently.

But it did.

Brendon eventually had to drop her off at her house.

Shereluctantly let go of his hand. "Well, honey," she started, smiling. It was so easy to act carefree when she wanted to go sob into her pillow.

For some reason, Brendon blushed. "I guess this is it, huh?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, then, Brendie-boy."

"All right. Bye."

Neither of them moved.

Keilani sucked in a breath. Why wasn't he leaving yet? Did he want to kill her with suspense?

Brendon took a step toward her.

What was he doing?

He kissed her.

Yes, Brendon Urie kissed Keilani Lum.

And it's safe to say that she kissed back.

He pulled away, his strong arms around her waist.

"Guess what?" he asked her softly, his breath hot on her forehead. He was so damn tall.

"What?" Keilani asked. She was actually shaking from his touch.

"I found her," he said.

"Found who?"

He dipped his head to look her in the eyes, their noses touching. "The girl of my dreams."

"Oh yeah?" Keilani asked quickly, breathlessly. "Who is she?"

He smiled widely.


And he kissed her again.

♠ ♠ ♠
This was for KEILANO [[ xxdontxpanicxx ]]
Go be nice and read her lovely stories that are way better than mine.
All right then.