Catch You

Catch You

"I don't know..." I said, not looking up at him. Mark wasn't a guy who could wait, or who was willing to. "I want to know, right now. What do you think?" His hand lightly took hold of my chin in what I took as his form of comforting and coaxing. Why did I bring it up at all? I didn't want to hurt him. I should know by now that 'I don't know' is just not in his vocabulary.

"Mark, why can't you just.." His hand shook slightly, and I shut up again. Why is this so hard? I want him to just... What did I want? I had to try again, "I just want to jump and know you'll always catch-" His lips didn't allow my thought to finish. I didn't mind this, it was all I could want from him. His lips; soft and warm, but dominant and controlling. I had thought about this from our first word.

"Do you know how to find a particular book in this stupid-" I shot him a dirty look and cut him off, "What is it you want? Which book?" His smirk was what did it. I couldn't stop thinking about it from that day on. It was obvious that a library wasn't his usual stop. "I'm looking for a book for school."

Turns out him and I both go to Long Wood High School as juniors. I didn't think I'd miss him if I saw him around. His body was good too. I don't know how I, of all girls, would obtain a hot guy such as Mark; but I was proud that I did. I just wasn't that kind of girl. I didn't go out much, no body would ask if I would want to. I just would stay in all night and work at my library all day. No social status. Mark was always trying to find ways to fix that, but I didn't think it was important until this past month.

I'd had so much fun hanging out with him day in and day out. I didn't work so much now, and I didn't want to stay in at all. I was always willing to go out. I was changing so much so fast, this was it; last thing I had to do. "Do you want to go out?" His hands still shook, as if it truly would hurt him if I did say no.

I know him, all girls would kill for this opportunity. I didn't want any girl, who I couldn't stand, to ruin this. This was my man, and I wasn't going to fuck up what I had. "How can I say no? Obviously!" His laugh shook us both as his arms took hold of my small body in his strong grip. I couldn't stop my own laugh; I was happy. "I'll always catch you, just so you know. You don't worry about that."