The Moon's an Arrant Thief...

I suppose it's over..

*"What am I doing here?"*

The sky is a pale gray like usual. The sea breeze is pulling your hair in all'd given up trying to keep it out of your face a while ago. The waves crashing against the shore and rock formations offer a natural lullaby to soothe your jumbled thoughts.

*"Two months and I'll be back..."*
His face appeared in your head and you had to close your eyes to remove the unwelcome image.

*"Sure, two months...My foot. It's been a year!" *
You snap the book you're attempting to read shut. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. You found his work dismal and monotonously depressing, but a classic is a classic, as your grandfather had taught you. Also this would have to be your tenth time reading it.

*"I know you're safe i just....don't know where you are...."*
You reach into your purse and grab your cell to check the time; it's 12:15 pm. You'd promised your mother you'd be home to greet your grandparents...who incidentally were due back in fifteen minutes. "Oh man..." You look out to the dark waters, close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath.

*"Enough! There's nothing for me here...he must not have wanted me."*
You stand up angrily and rub the sand off your bum, gather up your book and purse and head down the beach to where you'd parked your fathers car. Once there, you yank open the door and throw your purse into the passengers seat. Just as you're about to get in you stop and take one last look at the beach.... "I'm done...I can't do this anymore. I'm not coming back, so....goodbye." You look down at your wrist and take a look at your bracelet...the one HE'D given you. You tore it off and threw it to the ground. You felt tears start to form in your eyes so you jumped in the car and began your drive home. You drove slowly, enjoying the quiet the car created in contrast to the extremes of the hard wind and crashing waves from earlier. You passed the sign that told you you'd just entered town and barely gave it a second glance...your mind was off in your , what your Uncle E called "whine over stupidities" mode.

*"I could be in school right now. I could be making up ridiculous excuses as to why my homework's not done and sharing bad cafeteria food. I could be doing...normal teenage stuff." *
"But you're not normal" you grumble while banging on the steering wheel, hard. Your 7 years old....with the body of a 17 year old! Weirder still you had the mentality of a 76 year old Ph. D holding college professor, all thanks to your grandfather aka tutor and the rest of your...<knowledgeable> family. You knew several languages and could read and write in a few ancient ones. And if you weren't careful you could end up revealing your secret with a single touch...
You were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't notice the sheriff cruiser coming up behind you with its lights on until you heard sirens. "No, no, no." You slow the car down and stick your head out the window to wave up the cruiser. The cruiser pulls up next to your open window and the driver yells to you. "Put your seat belt on!" You roll your eyes but are already sliding on the belt. "I'm sorry grandpa! You know I never..." He cuts you off. "You've been down in La Push? Are you..ok?" You nod curtly, cursing yourself for not having fixed your hair. "I'm fine." the words tasted funny in your mouth. He stares at you for a minute then.." I'm on a strictly need to know basis here but sweety....I can't believe you're driving. I just...hooogaf." And with a shake of his head he drives off. You can't help but give a sad smile and continue home.
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I just realized you guys don't know but the things inside >********< these thingys are thoughts.
:) Know who the stories about yet??????? Find out in CHAPTER 2!!!!
And I'll make it longer cuz darn this ones short huh? :)