The Moon's an Arrant Thief...


You hadn't realized you'd fallen asleep until someone was shaking you awake. "Hm?Wha?" you rub your eyes to clear off the blurry vision. "I'm sorry to wake you up honey." your mother's in your face with a look of concern. "It's fine mom...what's going on?" you sit up causing her to sit back a little. Upon doing this you notice your father standing behind her looking rather unhappy.
"Papa? What? What is the matter with you two?" the looks on their faces was making you worry. "Darling, we told you once that your anger in Jacob was wrongly placed..." your father began. "Jacob who?" you interrupted. Your father gave you a 'come on' kind of look. Your mother sighed. "Jacob Black, honey."
"Ooooh, THAT Jacob..." you say sarcastically.
"We understand your anger but you don't understand why he had to leave." your father gets straight to the point. "Are you kidding?!" you say loudly. "He told me he was leaving for two months and it's been a year! He never even told me why, so how in the hell could I possibly understand?! I haven't heard ANYTHING from him. Not a phone call or a letter! Why are you bringing this up? So I went to La Push. BIG DEAL! I like the beach! Anybody think that one?!"
Your mother gathered you up into a hug. "I understand you're not angry. You're hurt. But you need to forgive him. You two were made for each other." You pulled away from her/ "Forgive him? You talk like he's going to walk in the door." Your father sits down and takes your hand. "As much as I'd like to say your mother is wrong...she isn't. It'd be easy for me to play my fatherly role and say that no man deserves you, but Jacob is your other half..."
"STOP right there with the imprinting stuff! I don't want to hear it!" you look over at the clock. "It's 1:13 am. I'm gonna stay here at grandma and grandpa's for tonight. I'll see you both at home in the morning." with that, you roll back over to go to sleep.
Your mother leans over and gives you a kiss on the head before she gets up to leave. "I love you, Renesmee." You feel your father get up and head to the door.

"Your grandfather received word from Billy that the wolves are coming back." and with that he closes the door to the bedroom.

Your eyes snap open and you sit up quickly. Your heart was beating so fast and so hard, you could hear it.
*"So he can find the time to keep in touch with Billy...but not me? His supposed other half to his soul?"* You were furious and as your mother put it so well....hurt. You got up and went to the door, slowly opening it. You could hear everyone talking downstairs. About you. *"Of course."* You roll your eyes. You knew you wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight so you decided to hop the window and head home.
"Home sweet home..." you whispered to yourself as you walked into the house.
You set your purse on the coat hanger and headed up to your room. "Straight to the shower!" you smiled. Showers always made you feel better. You kick your shoes into your enormous closet and dump your clothes in your hamper. You hit the play button on your ihome and jump into your shower.
Once you've dried your hair, you throw on( ) an outfit you know your Aunt Alice will adore.
You head downstairs to grab your purse and head back to your grandparents house when you hear it....the thumping of fast foot fall. Or I guess 'paw' fall. And then you could smell it.
Smell him...
"I have to get out of here." and with that you run out the front door and into the night.
You ran faster then you've ever run before. You wouldn't see him, you refused. *"What did he think? That I'd be waiting with open arms? "* The thought pissed you off more and you ran with more fury.
You headed to a house you'd found in the forests bordering was a bit run down but you'd cleaned it up. You'd placed a few bean bags inside and a grand piano...your secret hideout. Luckily Jacob had left long before you'd discovered it so no one knew about it. You were where you felt safest.
You were so angry and tears were making their way down your face. You needed to clear your head...calm down. So you sat at the piano and began to play.
The song was dizzying and loud. And so very sad. You played and played and played until your fingers began to played until you feared you'd break the keys.
But that isn't what stopped you. No.
What had stopped you was the figure standing in the doorway, watching you.
You let out a breath.

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MWUAHAHAHAHA cliffhangerrrrrrr lol
ok so the link isnt click-able BUT go check it out and scratch out the grey boots and the purse and sunglasses I prefer it with the brown ones .
I hope you guys are enjoying it if not FEEDBACK peeps :) there will be plenty of Jacob here on in ok? so NO WORRIES