Status: Complete!

Break Your Heart, Draco Malfoy

Break Your Heart

“You know, Draco, you’re gonna get hurt. She’s just gonna hurt you. I’d never hurt you,” Pansy cooed in Draco’s ear sitting in the common room.
“And just how do you know that she’ll hurt me?” Draco sneered back, standing and moving away from Pansy.
“She just will. Until you realize that and dump her sorry arse, she’ll just hurt you.” Pansy followed Draco over to the fireplace and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.
“Pansy. I’ll be fine. I know what I’m doing. I know how Airabella can be.” Draco pried Pansy’s fingers off him and stalked to his dorm room. He sat on his bed and pulled a quill, ink, and a piece of parchment from his trunk.
Hey Airabella. Meet me on the far side of the lake tonight at 8:30. I have something to show you. Don’t tell anyone. Not even your sister. Draco Draco wrote slowly with an evil grin on his face. He tore the parchment in two and wrote the same note again except with Willa’s name on it instead of her twin sister Airabella’s and told her to meet him there at 8:20. Draco sighed and threw the ink and quill into his trunk. He sent his owl with Airabella’s note to her. Draco looked at his watch and sighed again, time to go to supper.
Draco grabbed the note for Willa and set off through the common room, and as he snapped his fingers Crabbe and Goyle appeared out of thin air.
“Drop this off with Willa, would ya?” Draco asked, handing the note to Goyle and winking. They walked into the Great Hall and Draco looked for Airabella at the Ravenclaw table. She smiled at him and he winked back at her, he could tell she had gotten the note. Crabbe and Goyle split from him and wandered up the Hufflepuff table, shoving a couple first years out of their way. Goyle dropped the note sneakily in Willa’s pocket as he passed and Crabbe shoved the person next to her off the bench.
They walked to the Slytherin table, their faces thrown to the sky laughing. They sat down across from Draco, who stared them down until they stopped laughing like the hyena’s they were.
“You guys are sixth years. Not ickle firsties. Act like it.” Draco spat at them across the table. He reached behind him and grabbed whatever kept poking him in the back. Pulling the papers in front of him, he opened them at the same time. One from Willa, the other from Airabella.
I’ll meet you there then, Dracey. <3 Willa
I’m only gonna break your heart. But I’ll meet you there anyway. Airabella Draco smiled up and made eye contact with Willa and then Airabella. Willa smiled back pleased and Airabella smirked, slinking her arm around a seventh year’s waist next to her. Draco used his wand to replace Airabella’s words on the parchment.
I’m ok with that. I’m not scared of being hurt. You should be. The smirk was visible even in the words he wrote. He charmed the parchment and sent it back across the hall to Airabella. Airabella grabbed the note, read it, and smirked at Draco across the Great Hall.
“We’ll see.” Airabella mouthed at him. She rolled her eyes and went back to talking to her friends and eating her supper.
“Please don’t go,” Pansy tried to plead, hanging onto Draco’s arm for dear life.
“Pansy, let go.” Draco pulled his arm free and stalked out of the common room. He walked up out of the dungeon and out onto the grass surrounding the castle. He walked to the far edge of the lake, and knelt to the ground, sticking his hand in the lake, checking the temperature.
“Draco?” Willa’s voice rang out behind him. He looked over his shoulder and motioned for her to come closer to him. She knelt beside him and he took her hand in his, leading it gently to the water’s edge. Willa smiled for a second, then looked away from Draco’s hand holding hers in the water. “Airabella?” Willa questioned loudly, the curiosity in her voice getting the better of her.
Draco’s head snapped and followed Willa’s eyes to Airabella’s form in the moonlight wrapped around the seventh year’s from supper. Airabella pulled her face away from the seventh year’s and took a deep breath, looking at her sister’s hand entwined with Draco’s. Airabella and the seventh year detanglesdthemselves and Ariabella stormed over to Draco, pulling him away from her twin by his shirt collar.
“Wow, Draco. You said you’d hurt me. But really? Cheating on me with my twin sister. Oh so original. I’ve never seen that before. Ever.” Airabella’s voice dripped with sarcasm every word she spoke becoming more sarcastic than the last. Airabella shook her head and slapped Draco smartly about the face before walking back to her sister, linking arms with her and walking back to the castle.
“Airabella! I wasn’t the only one cheating! You were cheating too!” Draco yelled across the grounds. Airabella waved a hand over her shoulder . She looked over her shoulder at where Draco was still sitting on the ground holding his cheek.
“I told you I’d hurt you! At least I had the dignity for it to be not someone close to you!” Airabella screamed back, the last word echoing off the mountains for a second before fading away into the night.
Draco dropped his head into his hands and curled over onto the ground, his forehead hitting the dewey grass. The seventh year patted him on the back before Draco shook it off. The seventh year shook his head and walked back to the castle.
“Wills, what’s up with you and Draco?” Airabella asked her sister after they were out of earshot.
“I’m really not sure. I thought he liked me, but maybe he’s just trying to hurt you through me. Is it even possible morally to cheat on someone and use their twin sister to do it?” Willa shook her head, trying to clear the fog.
“No. But the Malfoy’s have no morals. So it doesn’t bother him. At all. They just have standards. And at least by using you I know his standards haven’t dropped. No offense, sis. I love you, but I really have to go to bed.”
“Yeah. Me too. Night, Bells.” The twins hugged and departed their separate ways to their dorms.
Draco, meet me in the Entrance Hall this afternoon right after classes. No tricks, no games. No one else. Just us. I just want to talk. Airabella. Draco read the note, trying to figure out where the trick in it was. If he had learned anything about her, it was she kept her word. For a Slytherin, Draco was starting to really like how true to her word she was. She said she’d hurt him, she did. She said she’d meet him somewhere, she would. She said no tricks, he hoped there would be no tricks.
No tricks? No games? No one else? Okay. I’ll meet you there after I get out of Transfig. Draco. Draco scribbled on the note, charmed it and sent it back through the castle to find Airabella. Draco walked to Transfiguration, transfixed just by the simple thought of Airabella. He tried to not think about her, but her midnight black hair and ice blue eyes kept themselves planted behind his eyelids. He closed his eyes to stare at the picture in his mind, still walking to class.
Draco’s eyes flew open as he lost his balance and fell face first to the floor.
“Oh I’ve wanted to do that to you for a while.” Willa smiled innocently down at the blonde on the floor.
“Willa? Did you trip me?” Draco asked angrily as he tried to stand up, finding he couldn’t, something was above him, holding him to the floor.
“Would I do that? I’m just an innocent little Hufflepuff. Maybe you should blame Peeves.” Willa smiled at the air above Draco and laughed, walking away. Draco rolled over onto his back to come face to face with Peeves.
“Peeves! Get off me!”
“Or what? You’ll call your ickle daddy? What’s he to do? Banish me from the castle? He can’t. but it’s so nice to see a Malfart on the floor.”
“It’s MalFOY. Not Malfart.”
“Yeah, I stick to Malfart.” Peeves smiled and laughed wickedly before flying off. Draco stood and turned to walk down the corridor to Transfiguration. Draco stopped in his tracks for a second as the bell marking the start of class rang throughout the castle and grounds. He took off in a dead sprint toward McGonagall’s classroom.
“Well, well. Draco, late are we?” McGonagall smiled severely from the front of the class.
“Well, you see Professor, another student tripped me, and then Peeves wouldn’t let me get back up until the bell rang,” Draco tried to explain as he took his seat next to Airabella.
“Tut tut. That won’t do. Twenty points from Slytherin for being late, and twenty more for making excuses.” McGonagall told him, the entire Slytherin half of the class turning to glare at him, and the entire Ravenclaw half of the class turning to mutter their heartfelt thanks.
“Tell Peeves thanks next time you see him, would you?” Airabella teased in Draco’s ear once everyone’s attention had gone back to McGonagall.
“Wait, were you behind this?” Draco asked, turning in his seat to face her.
“No. It was actually Willa’s idea,” Airabella started.
“But you agreed?”
“Well, yeah. She’s my sister. We had to plan together. She doesn’t do evil planning.” Airabella smiled and looked back to McGonagall, trying to follow her wand motions.
“Airabella!” Draco shout-whispered.
“Mr. Malfoy, you come in late and interrupt my class. Now you’re shouting at Airabella, who I’m sure did nothing. That’s another twenty points and a detention with me after this class, since this is the last period today.” McGonagall punished him, still smiling that severe smile. Airabella put her hand on Draco’s leg, trying to calm him down. Draco shoved it away and stared at her.
“Sorry.” She mouthed, trying to interlace her fingers with Draco’s. Draco pulled his hand away and balled his hand into a fist.
“No you’re not.” He mouthed back at her. Draco watched her scribble something on a piece of parchment and push it over to him.
I told you I would hurt you. What happened to you hurting me?
Just you wait. This isn’t over yet. Draco smiled sideways at her, trying to formulate some plan in his head.
I’m glad to see indecision in your eyes.
Draco lowered his eyes and tried to focus on the page in front of him. Airabella smirked and turned to face McGonagall again until the bell rang.
Draco left the Transfiguration room and walked down the corridor, watching his step so he didn’t trip again. He saw Goyle hurry past him, holding a note in one hand.
“Oy. Goyle, where are you going?”Draco called after his idiot minion.
“Just got a note from Crabbe that the elves in the kitchen were making sweets again. I have to go get mine.” Goyle yelled back flustered.
“Now where’s he really going?” Draco muttered to himself as he walked down the corridor. Draco rounded the corner onto the Marble staircase and started looking around the entrance hall for Airabella. He got to the bottom of the staircase and looked around the back edge of the stairs. He saw the end of Airabella’s long black hair swaying due to the breeze coming in from the main door. “Bells?” Draco asked as he came up behind her and gave her a hug.
“Draco.” Airabella let out breathily, turning around in his arms and folding hers around his waist.
“What did you want to talk about?” Draco asked, letting go of her and taking her hand.
“Oh, I just wanted to talk.” She said, leading him out of the castle and onto the grounds.
“Who’s lying now?” Draco questioned.
“What? I’m not lying. I did just want to talk.”
“No. And you’re still lying. What’s wrong?” Draco demanded, stopping short in front of the Black Forest.
“It’s just that I’ve been hurting you, because you hurt every girl who really likes you. Pansy. Yeah. She’s been in love with you for the last six years, and you hurt her every day. You hurt Cat, you hurt Willa. You’ve hurt a lot of people that I’m close to. You hurt Hermione every day. You know, mudblood really hurts.”
“How would you know? You’re pureblood.”
“No I’m not. My dad’s side is pureblood. Mom’s a first generation witch. My mom is a mudblood. It hurts. Trust me.”
“What’s your point? Granger’s a know-it-all bitch.”
“And I’m not?”
“You just don’t show it. You’re still a know-it-all. And I’ve been starting to think you’re a bitch now too.”
“What ever could have given you that idea?” Airabella asked sarcastically.
“Oh, just the last…month and a half maybe? But it’s okay for you. It works for you and it makes you more…attractive, almost.”
“Well, I’m sorry, Draco. I think I may be done hurting you.”
“Yeah. I’m sick of watching you get hurt.” Airabella opened her arms and Draco walked into the offered hug.
“Thanks, Belle.” Draco wrapped his arms around Airabella and pulled her to him tightly.
“Draco, I can’t breathe.” Airabella whispered, trying to pull away from Draco. Draco let go of her but kept his arms around her.
“It’s ok.” Airabella watched as Draco’s face came closer to hers for a kiss. At the last second, she turned her face away so he kissed her cheek.
“What?” Draco asked, pulling back quickly.
“I said I’m sick of watching you get hurt, but that wasn’t what I meant.” Airabella took her arms from around Draco, moved his from around her, and folded her arms across her chest.
“Then what do you mean?”
“I’m sick of watching you get hurt. And I know that if we stay together that’s just what’s going to happen. Over and over and over again. I can’t do this anymore.” Airabella turned her back on Draco and started walking back to the castle.
“But…Belle…What?” Draco stammered, falling to his knees and letting his follow Airabella into the castle alone before he lowered his head to his chest.
“Only you, baby. Only you.” Airabella said to Goyle, walking beside him hand in hand.
“Belle? Goyle?” Draco yelled his question down the corridor. Airabella and Goyle turned their heads to see Draco running down the hall toward them. They looked at each other panicked and winced as Draco reached them. “WHAT THE HELL?!”
“Draco, listen to me.” Airabella tried to explain, but was cut off.
“No. Belle, you listen. You hurt me, over and over again. Then you hurt me in the worst way I thought possible, and now I know that what you did last night wasn’t the worst way to hurt me. I figured you’d been stringing another guy along behind my back, I mean, what kept you from doing just that? And it being Goyle?
“And Goyle, how could you do this to me? You know what she did to me. You know how bad I got hurt from her. And all this ‘only you’ nonsense probably isn’t true. You should realize that. She can’t keep herself tied to one person without having someone back in the shadows somewhere.”
“Draco, you’re wrong. It is only him.” Draco tried to interrupt her again, but only got his mouth open before she said, “Listen to me. There is only him. There’s been only him since third year. But he’s always been hiding behind you, and so I had to go through you to get to him. I’m sorry for what I did to you, but there is only Goyle now. No tricks, no games, no one else.”
“You know what, Belle? I don’t care. I’m fine with whatever you decide to do, and if it’s Goyle, ,well, then it’s Goyle.” Draco said and stormed off.
“You know, maybe this isn’t such a good idea, Airy.”
“Goyle, you can’t follow Draco around your whole life. Do something you want to.”
“Then I want you, no matter what Draco thinks.”
“Good.” Airabella and Goyle turned to each other and kissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Total word count: 2746 words