Status: Complete

Every Time You Fall Apart You Can Hide Here In My Arms

A Perfect Family

If there was something Austin hated more than was funerals.

Dressed in black pants and a black fitted blazer with her hair done up, Austin was now walking hand in hand with Matt from his car, across the damp green grass with the rest of the crew to burry Rev and Leana's baby.

She and Matt hadn't reconciled just yet, but they were holding it together for everyone else's sake.

Leana and Rev walked slowly in front of them. Her arms never leaving his waist. He was whispering to her, trying to soothe the pain that was escaping her eyes in the form of tears.

Everyone moved around the small coffin. Both Rev and Leana's parents by their side. Austin shivered. It reminded her so much of the boy's Bat Country video. Only that was just an image. This, was real.

Austin was able to hold it all togther until they were about to lower the coffin. Leana draped his baby blanket over top, then Zacky shocked everyone to tears by placing a super small Vengeance University T-Shirt over top.

Matt flexed his hand, inadvertantly squeezing her own. She looked up at him. The stillness in his face was eerie. He looked like at any moment he was going to break down and start bawling. She wanted to soothe him, but she didn't know how, or where to even begin. So instead, she squeezed his hand back, standing as close as she could to him without crowding him too much. After the service and after sending their condolences to Jimmy and Leana, the crowd started to disipate.


Matt's head snapped around, a tear rolled down his cheek when he saw her, "hey babe."

She was dressed in a little black dress and she was gripping Val's hand tightly in her own. Val had obviously been crying. He dropped down onto one knee and Mattie hurried towards him, wrapping her small arms around Matt's neck.

"Why is everyone so sad?" she whispered as she twirled some of his hair in her fingers.

Matt wasn't sure how to explain it to her, "because it's a sad day," he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ears.

"Mommy's sad," Mattie whispered. Matt looked up and locked eyes with Val, "it's okay Val," he pulled her into a hug as well.

Austin squeezed the breath in and out of her lungs as she watched. At the moment she had no problem picturing them as a perfect family. But as quickly as he hugged her, he let her go and handed Mattie over to her.

"We're going over to Leana's parents," Matt informed Val, "are you two coming?"

Val nodded, "for a little while."

"Alright," he kissed Mattie gently, "I'll see you later babe."

Val turned and carried Mattie away. She was joined by Michelle and Syn. Matt sighed heavily and stuck his hands into his suit pants pockets. He shifted his weight back and forth and stared at the ground nervously. Austin knew he wanted to talk. They needed to talk. Just not here. In fact their talk would most likely have to wait until tonight.

"Hey guys, we're going now," Austin and Matt both looked up at Zacky, Gena, Johnny and Lacy.

Matt nodded, "yeah, we'll come too."

Austin didn't protest. Instead she walked with the group through the graveyard back towards where all the vehicles were parked. She walked around the front of Matt's car and let herself into the passenger seat. Matt talked for a few minutes before climbing into the driver's seat beside her. She slid her seatbelt over her shoulder and watched out the window as Matt followed Zacky's car to Leana's parents. There everyone gathered inside. Chatting quietly. Rev, as down as he was, was able to hold a small, light conversation. But he wasn't anywhere near being himself.

For the life of her Austin couldn't find Leana. Eventually she was directed out onto the back porch. Leana was sitting on a wicker bench in her black dress. Her legs tucked up underneath her as she cried softly. Hugging a pillow to her body as she looked out over the ocean.

Austin's heart broke, because she knew there was nothing she could say that would ease her friend's pain.

"Honey, can I sit with you?" she asked quietly.

Leana tried a smile but ended up just wiping away her tears, "of course," she whispered.

Austin sat down beside Leana, reaching over and grasping her friends hand in her own. As if they were suddenly connected, Leana began to speak, though her gaze never wavered from the ocean.

"The doctor told me, that our baby's body simply couldn't handle it. He said that if he'd have survived, it was likely that he'd have had a mental defect of some sort."

Austin couldn't do anything but listen.

"Do you think God knew I wouldn't be able to handle something like that alone? Because Rev's gone all the time."

Austin shook her head, "I think, that when God calls, we just have to go home. I think, that he was given to you for a reason. It might not be clear now, but it will be later on."

"Why would he give me him for nineteen hours?" Leana cried, "then just rip him away?"

"I don't know," Austin whispered as Leana leaned against her, "I'm so sorry sweetie."

"Can I join you?" Austin and Leana looked up to see Val. They both nodded as Val took a seat in a wicker chair across from them.

"How are you holding up Lee?" she asked Leana softly.

Leana shrugged, "I'll make it."

They sat in silence for a while. The tension of the situation brewing between Val and Austin.

"I remember when we use to do this as kids," Leana rolled her head to the side and looked at both of them, refering to them sitting out on the porch together, "but we were never this quiet."

"I remember your mom yelling at us to go to bed," Austin laughed softly.

"Mm-hhmm," Leana agreed, "what happened to us?" she asked finally.

"We grew up," Val pointed out the obvious.

Leana shook her head, "no, I don't think that's it. I think, boys happened to us."

All three of them actually shared a laugh, then they shared the silence.

"Listen Austin," Val clasped her hands together, staring at them like she couldn't get them apart, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Austin closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. This is what Leana wanted them to do. But she didn't know if she could handle it right now.

"And I know, I don't deserve your friendship," Val continued, "but now, more than ever we need to get along, if not for Matt, then for Mattie. She ties us together now."

"I don't want to have to feel awkward around you," Austin admitted, "and you're right, Mattie is a common demoninator between us all. But I have to ask that whatever problems you have with me, tell me. Don't take it out on Matt. And don't keep Mattie away from him."

"I just don't want to lose her," Val looked up and locked eyes with Austin, "she's all I have."

Leana shifted slightly beside Austin, but Austin took notice of the slight smile on her lips.

"I wouldn't dream of trying to take your spot in Mattie's life," she assured her, "you're her mother Val, and it'll always stay that way. I just want a spot in Matt's life as well, without there being a big drama between everyone."

Val nodded and Leana laughed slightly, "see, we still sound like teenagers."

After their chat, Austin didn't know how long they sat there, but it was long enough for the guests to leave, and for the sun to slowly start sinking into the ocean.

The screen door opened and Rev stepped out onto the porch. His normal charm and charisma gone, leaving nothing but a tall frame of pale skin. "Matt's looking for you two," he said as he made his way towards them. Austin nodded softly and kissed Leana on the top of the head. Val stood up and straightened out her dress.

"Thank you," Leana whispered as Austin got up. Jimmy took her spot.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Austin promised as she stepped back into the house with Val, leaving them outside.

"Where'd you disappear to?" Matt asked as he walked into the kitchen, holding Mattie on his hip.

"Outside with Leana," Val replied.

Matt eyed them skeptically but eventually handed Mattie over to Val.

"Say goodnight," Val prompted their daughter.

"Night, daddy," Mattie smiled and blew him a kiss, "night Austin."

Austin waved goodnight and Matt blew her a kiss before they disappeared.

Matt pulled his keys from his pocket, and looked up at her, "are you ready to go?"

Austin nodded and they made their way through the house, saying goodbye to people that remained. Back in the car, they drove in silence again until they hit an intersection.

"Do you want to go home?" he asked her, reaching over to turn down the radio.

"Yeah please," Austin looked over at him, "and we need to talk."

Matt didn't reply, merely nodded his head and stepped on the gas pedal.
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