Chemically Unstable

The Party


Benji walked in quietly behind Pete. The party of the year. The start of the end only they didn't know it.

"I'll be back." Pete said as he walked toward the popular group leaving her behind, but she had gotten used to it. Pete was changing; she was losing him. Why she held on only god knew. Justanother goodbye in a different form.

Benji bit her lip trying to pretend she didn't give a fuck, but it was useless. A tear rolled down as she saw the group slowly walking away. Hewas wasn't worth it, she thought to herself. Before the group completely disappeared Pete turned back from the group, mouthing a helpless sorry. She just nodded her head walking away without a second glance.

She sat on the sofa fiddling with her rings. The night dragged on, but whether she knew it or not things were about to get worse, much worse than they already were.

She looked up to see a bottle being dangled in front of her face. The boy offering it to her raised his eyebrows questioningly. Without answering him she took the bottle. Soon after that she was slurring her words.