Status: FIN (:

Weak, But Not Defeated

always you

Maddie lifted her gaze to the boy across from her. A bead of sweat was sliding down his forehead and his short brown hair was a mess from his constant scratching of his head. His knuckles were white and Maddie was waiting for the pencil he held so tightly to break in half.

She looked down at the stack of paper in front of her. Her name written neatly and her answers circled perfectly. Science had always come easy to her and this Physics midterm wasn’t any different.

Maddie noticed the other two people at the table staring at Garrett, his incessant tapping of his fingers making them annoyed. She reached across the table and lightly put a hand on his that was resting on the table. He looked up at her with his big eyes and Maddie smiled sweetly.

He took a deep breath and gave her a smile. He gripped her hand in his as he continued the test, much less frazzled and stressed, all because of Maddie’s touch.

He held her hand throughout the rest of the test and Maddie watched him. She pictured the boy she had met when she was nine years old, small and adorable and wild. She pictured him at age thirteen, awkward, small, and still wild. But now, at age eighteen, he was a man.

He had grown into his head which had once been too big for his body. His acne had cleared up and he actually had a fashion sense. Garrett was attractive, and it took Maddie nine years to realize it.

The bell rang and Garrett exhaled as he placed his pencil on the table, “Well, looks like I’m not graduating high school,” he said as he stood from the table.

He met Maddie on her side and they began walking to the exit, “Oh, come on. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” He stared at her blankly and she shrugged, “Midterms don’t determine if you graduate anyways. You’ll be fine.”

Garrett smiled and wrapped his arm over her shoulder, “Which test do you have next?”

“Next I have government. Then Calculus right after,” she groaned.

Garrett pulled her in tighter, “You’ll do fine. I’ve gotta get across campus, so I’ll catch up with you after school. Good luck, boo,” he smiled and kissed her cheek before he skipped off.

Maddie smiled to herself as she walked to her class. She liked having Garrett around. She was never one for public affection, but with Garrett it was comfortable.

“Wow, Maddie, I just don’t even know who you’re hooking up with anymore,” she heard from behind her.

She turned at Courtney’s high-pitched, annoying voice. She stared at her blankly.

“I mean, first you kiss Kennedy, then you’re all over Garrett. But you’re in love with John? It’s weird,” she smirked as she and a group of her friends surrounded Maddie.

Maddie looked around the circle she was in the middle of and let out a laugh, “Are you guys going to like, jump me now?” she asked, “Because usually people try to do those kinds of things off campus.”

The girls didn’t respond to her and Maddie couldn’t help but laugh, “Are you going to beat me to death with your heels and handbags?”

Maddie walked to Courtney, only a few inches from her face. Courtney had a few inches on her, but she wasn’t intimidated, “I’ll tell you what, I’m going to turn around and walk away right now. And then you girls can make some smart little remark about how I’m a whore, or a tease, or whatever. Then when your single-minded brains finally think of a way to get back at me, you come find me. Deal?” she challenged.

Courtney took a breath to calm her mind that was scrambling for a comeback, “Oh, we’ll come find you, Riggs, don’t you worry.”

Maddie nodded her head as she grinned, thinking of the girls around her actually fighting. She knew it was immature to egg them on. She should have just let it go, but she didn’t care. It was time Courtney learned her lesson.

She took her next two finals and when the day ended she found Garrett and Pat in the quad, “Hey, Miss Valedictorian,” Pat greeted.

Maddie blushed, “I don’t even know what I got on my tests.”

“Let’s go check, shall we?” Garret said. Maddie linked her arm with his as they walked off.

First they walked into Maddie’s government class. She laughed as Garrett begged her teacher to give Maddie her grade, “You don’t understand, Ms. Hastings, I only have one more day to live and my dying wish is to see my best friend Madeline Riggs pass her Government test. Please, please, tell us her grade.”

Ms. Hastings let out a laugh as she typed something on her computer, “I will give you credit, Miss Riggs, this is the most bogus reason I have ever heard to get a grade.”

Maddie smiled, “So?” she said hopefully.

Ms. Hastings smiled as she stood, “Ninety-Four percent, Maddie. You will receive an A for the semester,” she said before she walked out of her room.

Garrett grinned as Maddie contained her excitement, “Let it out, baby,” he told her.

Maddie let out a screech and jumped into Garrett’s arms. He hugged her tight, “I’m so proud of you!”

She pulled away and kissed his cheek, “Thanks, boo!”

The two stayed looking at each other, their faces only inches apart. Maddie’s breathing was heavy as her excitement overwhelmed her. Garrett reached up and moved a hair out of her eyes. She still had a smile on her face but his was serious. Maddie’s smiled waned as she looked into his light eyes, once again noticing just how attractive he really was.

As they stared at one another they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat from the doorway. Garrett sat Maddie down immediately and they moved away from each other. Maddie saw Kennedy at the door, looking at his feet awkwardly.

“Kenny,” Maddie breathed, “What’s up?”

“I got your Calculus grade! You got an A!” he exclaimed.

Maddie grinned, “Oh my gosh! This day has been so great.”

“Congrats,” Kennedy said, “I have to go finish grading, see ya!” Kennedy left the room and Maddie silently thanked God that he didn’t bring up their kiss. She turned to Garrett as he leaned against a desk.

“Did you hear that!?” she said as she walked towards him.

Garrett smiled half-heartedly, “I’m really proud of you, Madds.”

“Thanks, Gare,” she said, confused at his posed reaction.

“I guess you should go tell John,” he said.

Maddie nodded her head, almost completely forgetting about John, “Probably,” she said. “Are you okay, Garrett?”

He nodded his head, “I’m fine,” he smiled an almost perfectly fake smile, and Maddie almost believed it, “Call me tonight. I’ll take you out.”

She smiled, “Will do.” Garrett left the room and she was almost certain he was acting so strange was because of the moment they had shared only a few minutes ago. She tried to evaluate her feelings, but it only made her so much more confused.

She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and walked quickly to her car, eager to tell John. When she reached her car, however, she saw a sight she did not expect.

John was leaning against the back end of her silver Camry as he held a sobbing Courtney. He was rubbing her back as she heaved into his shoulder.

Maddie approached them slowly while John stared at her, “Um, what’s going on?”

Courtney lifted her head slowly and looked at Maddie for one second before letting out a loud, “Ugh!” and continuing her sobs.

Maddie looked at John. He rolled his eyes and stood up straight, pulling Courtney away from him. He wiped her tears away with his thumbs, “Baby, let me talk to her for a second, okay?”

She nodded her head and walked to her group of friends standing nearby.

John rubbed his hand over his face, “What’s wrong with you, Madeline?”

“Excuse me?” she asked.

“You can’t say things like that to a girl like Courtney. You really scared her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Maddie said, defensively.

“Courtney told me about what you said in the hall. All the threats you were giving her when she was trying to make amends, I mean, come on Maddie,” John said, disappointed.

Maddie cocked her head sideways, “So she and her friends surrounding me in the hall while she calls me a whore is what she defines as making amends? I get it,” she rolled her eyes.

“That doesn’t sound like Courtney,” John said.

“But it sounds like me to threaten someone?” Maddie said, offended.

John sighed, “I have to believe her, Maddie.”

“How can you date a girl that hates me so much, John? I could live with it when I didn’t have to speak to her, but now she’s making up lies to get rid of me. I just got you back, John, and now you’re letting her take you away,” Maddie said in a huff.

“No one is taking me away from you, Maddie,” John tried to soothe.

Maddie took in a deep breath before climbing in her driver’s seat and slamming the door shut. John instantly appeared at her window. She rolled it down but didn’t look at him.

“Maddie, I’m only trying to balance having a girlfriend and being friends with you. It’s still really hard,” he said.

Maddie shrugged, “Let me give you a hint, John. You can’t balance if you’re already picking a side.”

“I’m not giving up that easy,” John said.

Maddie looked at him, “Good to know.”

“Why are you treating me like this?” John asked, “I apologized, and you forgave me. I read your letter.”

“You’re just used to me falling at your feet. I’m not going to do that anymore,” she said.

“Why not?” he asked, quiet.

Maddie started up her car and looked into his eyes, “I’m learning not to love you, John. And you’re making it pretty darn easy.”

John used the hand he was resting on Maddie’s car to push himself away, shocked at the words he heard. Maddie took his silence as an opportunity to leave. She put her car in drive and looked at John again, “By the way, I passed all my midterms. Thanks for your help,” she said before she pulled away.

Maddie dialed Garrett’s number and pressed the phone to her ear. “Yellow?” Garrett answered.

She laughed at his greeting, “Hey. I’m on my way home right now, meet me there.”

“I’m already here,” Garrett said. Maddie turned onto her street and found Garrett leaning against his car that was in her driveway. She hung up her phone and got out of the car.

“Did you tell John about your tests?” he asked.

She sighed, “I do not want to talk about John right now.”

He smiled, “Cool, me neither. Now I have a date planned, so let’s do this.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside and up to her bedroom.

“You’re making me change my outfit?” she asked.

“Well, being from Arizona we think 60 degrees is cold, and we’re going ice skating, so you’ll probably freeze.”

Maddie frowned, “I suck at ice skating.”

He laughed, “I know. But I won’t let you fall,” Garrett said sweetly.

Maddie pulled out the clothes she was planning to wear. Garrett sat on her bed as she discarded her hoodie she was wearing. She met his eyes and laughed, “Turn away!”

Garrett covered his hands with his eyes and Maddie rolled her eyes before turning her back to him, knowing he would peek.

The two made their way downstairs and back outside, “Want me to drive?” Maddie asked.

Garrett rolled his eyes, “This is a date, Madeline. I’ll drive.”

She shrugged as she got in his car and buckled her seatbelt. She tried to figure how many so called dates she and Garrett had been on in their lives. There were the many trips to the mall, where they would walk around holding hands. The dinner and movie dates, where they would watch some awful movie playing at the classic’s theatre, then pick each other’s meals at McDonalds.

Garrett parked at the ice skating rink and ran around to the passenger side of the car to open Maddie’s door. She laughed as he did so, “You’re being such a gentleman.”

“So, I’m doing a good job then?” he asked.

Maddie looked at him, a smile on her lips but a confused expression on the rest of her face, “You’re great, Gare.”

When they made it to the counter the man told them the price for the skates. Maddie put a hand on Garrett’s as he pulled out his wallet.

“You drove, let me pay.”

Garrett sighed and turned back to the man, “One second,” he told him as he pulled Maddie to the side. “I think you’re missing the point, here, Madds.”

“I think so too,” she agreed.

“I’m taking you on a date. The guy always pays on a date,” he told her.

Maddie laughed, still confused, “Whatever you say.”

Garrett paid the man and the two took their skates at a bench nearby. Garrett laced his up quickly, having been ice skating much more than Maddie had. She finally tied hers and Garrett held out his hand and helped her up.

She stood slowly as her legs shook, “This is going to be really embarrassing,” she told him.

Garrett smiled, “You’ll be fine,” he said as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knit hat that he pulled over his head to cover his ears.

Maddie laughed, “You look so adorable.”

Garrett grinned as he led her to the closest opening to the rink, “You ready?”

Maddie took a deep breath and walked in front of him. She put one foot on the ice and clutched the wall tightly with her hand. Garrett strode to the other side of her and held her free hand.

She let go of the wall and looked at Garrett, his encouraging smile never wavering, “This isn’t so bad,” she smiled.

“Want me to let go?” he asked.

Maddie clutched him tighter, “Never,” she said.

Once the couple had skated a few times around Garrett turned to her, “Want to try a spin?”

She shook her head, “I’m good.”

He smiled, “Just watch me,” he said as he let go of her hand and skated to an empty space in the middle of the floor and demonstrated a simple, flawless spin.

When he joined Maddie at her side she asked him, “Garrett, were you like an ice skating prodigy or something when you were a kid? You’re really good.”

He shrugged, “You know I’m just ridiculously talented at everything,” he said, causing Maddie’s eyes to roll, “It might have something to do with this hat, too.”

Maddie’s gaze lifted to the hat atop his head. She reached up and pulled it off and placed it on her own. It was too big for her and covered her eyes and all Garrett could see was her frown.

He laughed and straightened it so he could see her blue eyes and her smile, “How do I look?” she asked.

“More adorable than I do. That says a lot, too,” he said.

Maddie laughed, “Oh, I’ m glad I’m finally more adorable than Garrett Nickelsen. My life is complete.”

Garrett mocked her grin, “So, let me twirl you,” he held out his hand.

Maddie took it and he lifted it above her head. She attempted to spin but her feet when the opposite way she had expected and she lost her balance. Garrett’s impeccable reflexes caught her before she even hit the ground. He held her like they were dancing and he had just dipped her.

“We should go dancing sometime,” she laughed.

Garrett lifted her back up, “Oh yeah, definitely.”

“I’m tired,” she said as Garrett led her off of the ice. They walked to their seats and took their skates off, replacing them with shoes.

“I think I’m ready for some hot chocolate, you?” Maddie asked.

“You get that everywhere we go,” he laughed.

“It’s because it’s delicious,” she said as the walked to the concession area.

“Two hot chocolates, please,” Garrett said as he pulled out his wallet.

“You’re not going to let me pay, are you?” she asked.

“Not a chance,” he told her as he handed Maddie her cup.

The two went to a table and sat across from each other. Soon they were joined by two young girls standing at the table.

“Um, sorry to interrupt you, but are you in The Maine?” One of the girls asked.

Garrett beamed, “I sure am.”

The two girls giggled and then put two napkins in front of him along with a pen, “Could you sign these for us? We know you guys are going to be huge someday.”

Garrett looked up at Maddie as she smiled proudly. He used the pen and signed his practically illegible signature. The two girls thanked him and walked away.

“How exciting!” Maddie exclaimed.

“That’s never happened to me before,” he said, still in disbelief, “We’re like… famous.”

“Soon enough you’re going to be recognized all around this county, and we won’t be able to go out anymore,” she said, a tiny hint of sadness in her words.

Garrett looked at her seriously, “That won’t ever happen.”

“It’s going to happen once you guys start touring. I’m hardly ever going to see you,” she told him.

“You could just come with us,” he suggested.

“I’m going to college, Gare. I’m not going to be that girl that just follows her friends around while they do something with their lives. I’ll leave that to your guys’ girlfriends,” she said.

“There is no way in hell Courtney is coming on tour with us. We already voted, you’re the only girl we’re taking,” he said.

“As much as I hate to say this, a girlfriend should go over just a friend,” Maddie told him.

“You should just be my girlfriend, then,” Garrett said casually.

Maddie laughed, “Yeah, that would go over well,” she said as he took a sip of her drink.

Garrett faked a laugh as Maddie snickered at something that wasn’t exactly a joke.

“Want to come over and watch a movie?” Maddie asked as she climbed into Garrett’s car.

“Not if it’s Fight Club,” he said.

Maddie groaned, “You only like chick flicks though!”

“They’re called romantic comedies,” he clarified.

“Fine. We can watch Sweet Home Alabama,” she said.

Garrett grinned, “You know me so well.”

The two reached Maddie’s house and said hello to her parents that were watching TV in the living room.

“Oh, Garrett, it’s so nice to see you. Tell your mom I said hello,” Maddie’s mom told him.

“I sure will, Mrs. R!” he smiled, “Why is it so cold in here?” he asked.

Maddie’s dad sighed, “Our heat is broken.”

“Fantastic,” Maddie mumbled. “Can we go to your house?” she asked Garrett.

“I’ll keep you warm, Madds!” he said. Maddie blushed as he spoke this in front of her parents.

Maddie’s dad laughed unexpectedly, “You kids have fun.”

Maddie rolled her eyes at her dad. Both he and her mother had always loved Garrett, trusting him way too much with their daughter.

They made their way upstairs to Maddie’s room and Garrett plopped down onto her queen sized bed. She put the DVD in and lay next to him. They both curled under her hefty comforter, the coldness drawing them closer.

“Can we cuddle?” Maddie asked.

Garrett smiled and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her head under his chin. Maddie buried her cold nose into his chest, not really caring to watch the movie. She thought of the day they had spent together. She supposed it was technically a date, but why did Garrett pay for everything? They always split the costs on their ‘dates’.

She soon drifted to sleep wrapped cozily in Garrett’s arms. Garrett noticed her breathing get heavier and studied her face. Her chestnut hair hung onto her forehead, accenting her white skin that had completely lost its tan from summer. He closed his eyes and soon drifted to sleep, hoping maybe he would dream about her.

Garrett woke up the next morning to the sun in his eyes. Maddie was lying with his back to him and he had his arm wrapped around her waist. She was holding onto his hand that was draped over her body. His shift stirred her from her sleep and she rolled over to face him.

“Did we fall asleep?” she asked in a raspy voice.

“Apparently,” he said as he pulled a hand through his hair.

She sighed as she stretched out her arms, “I haven’t slept that well in a while.”

“Me neither,” he said.

Maddie pulled the blanket up to her chin, “It’s so cold!”

Garrett scooted closer to her and she rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled at her and leaned over, kissing the top of her head.

She let out a small laugh, “What was that for?”

Garrett slipped his hand between her back and the mattress and pulled her closer to him. He sighed, contemplating whether this was the right time to do what he had wanted to do for so long, “Hey Maddie?”

“Yes Garrett?”

“Remember what I said yesterday… about the girlfriend thing?” he asked hesitantly.

“Yep,” she said. Garrett looked down at her as her eyes were closed.

“Maddie,” he said again, trying to muster up the confidence that usually came so easy to him; Maddie was the only girl to make him so nervous he couldn’t think straight, “I wasn’t exactly joking.”

She opened her eyes instantly and met his, “What?”

“Maddie, I think you should be my girlfriend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I love cliffhangers (:
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