Status: FIN (:

Weak, But Not Defeated

giving yourself away

Garrett grinned as he rolled over and wrapped his arm around Maddie’s waist. His movement woke her up and she turned to face him.

“How did you get in my bed?” she asked.

Garrett opened his eyes and looked around confused, “Am I? Oh goodness, I have no idea how this happened.”

“You’re taking advantage of my parents being out of town,” Maddie laughed.

“Well you’re crazy to think I would be able to sleep downstairs with my band mates while my girlfriend sleeps alone upstairs,” Garrett said, kissing her lips.

She pulled away and smiled, “You’re ridiculous.”

Maddie got out of her bed and walked to her window. She opened it and pressed her palms to the sill, inhaling the smell of the spring air, “It’s beautiful outside.”

“That’s not the only thing that’s beautiful,” Garrett said.

Maddie turned to face the boy surveying her from her bed and she suddenly felt extremely exposed. She wore only yellow boy shorts and an oversized t-shirt that had ridden up to expose her waist.

She scurried back to the bed and wrapped herself in the comforter. Garrett wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, his breath giving her goose bumps.

“What do you want to do today, baby?” Garrett asked.

“Hang out with you,” Maddie said simply.

He smiled, “Let’s go to the lake. It’s perfect weather and I need a tan.”

Maddie laughed, “You are looking a little pasty.”

He mocked her laugh before kissing her shoulder, “I’ll go home and get ready. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

Maddie walked him out the front door and proceeded to wake up the sleeping boys in her living room. They had all crashed last night after Maddie made them watch Fight Club after an intense game of monopoly.

“Patty boy, wake up,” she said, rubbing her hand over his back lightly. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. She woke up Jared and Kennedy easily and went to John last.

He was sprawled out on the couch on his back. His mouth was open slightly and the boxers he wore exposed his long legs that the blanket wasn’t covering. The shirt he had fallen asleep in was draped across the floor and Maddie rolled her eyes as she tiptoed towards him.

John was the hardest person to wake up because he was a paranoid sleeper. He had an oddly active defense mechanism while he was asleep; one Maddie had tested too many times.

“John, wake up,” she whispered. He didn’t stir and she lightly rubbed his forearm.

He grasped her wrist hard but didn’t open his eyes. His grip didn’t loosen and she whimpered. Maddie slapped his bare chest to wake him, biting her tongue as to not scream. But she couldn’t take it anymore and shouted, “John!”

John instinctively pulled Maddie down, causing her to crash onto his body. He opened his eyes and looked around, startled, before calming down, “Gosh, Madds, don’t do that to me again.”

“You’re a psycho!” she whined, still lying on top of him.

He traced his fingers over her back and smiled, “You know not to touch me when I’m sleeping. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

She met his eyes, “It’s okay.”

“Did you wake me up because you’re making me breakfast?” John smiled hopefully.

“I woke you up to tell you to get out,” Maddie returned his smile as she climbed off of him

John pouted, “Fine.”

“I’m going to shower. Boys, thank you for a wonderful night of monopoly and for giving me all of your money. Bye!” she smiled before running upstairs.

Maddie showered quickly before putting on her strapless bikini and covering it with a loose tank top and jean shorts. She pulled her hair into a bun on the side of her neck and put on her sunglasses upon hearing Garrett pull up.

She joined him in his car and he kissed her on the cheek before making the easy drive to the lake. It wasn’t very crowded near the water but Maddie and Garrett made sure to find a secluded place.

The two lay down a blanket and Garrett sat his signature picnic basket down. Maddie stripped her shirt and shorts and waded slowly in to the warm, fresh water.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her thin frame as Garrett picked her up. She giggled as he ran into the water, splashing Maddie and himself with water. As they got deeper he dropped her and she narrowed her eyes before splashing him with water.

He laughed before walking towards her and holding out his hands. Maddie took them and let Garrett pull her body into his. He moved her hands to wrap around his neck and he rested his fingertips on her hips.

Maddie smiled at him, “I missed you.”

He kissed her softly, “I missed you, too.”

“What color do you want to wear to prom?” Maddie asked.

“Hot pink,” Garrett responded immediately.

She rolled her eyes, “Your favorite color is blue, right?”

“I’m okay with anything,” Garrett said as his hands moved to below Maddie’s waist to the back of her thighs. He hitched her legs up and she wrapped them around his waist as they slowly waded in the lake. “You look great in everything.”

Maddie blushed as she put her forehead against his. Garrett kissed Maddie and smiled against her lips. She kissed him back but was hesitant to do prolong it. Something felt different, and Maddie couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

They stayed in the water for only a little bit longer before they went back to the towels and took out their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

“So, you didn’t ask me how my trip was,” Garrett stated.

“That’s because you went to Oklahoma. I didn’t think there was much to it,” Maddie teased.

Garrett mocked her smile, “I happen to love my grandparents. Did I ever tell you how they met?”

“You have not,” Maddie replied, taking a bite of her sandwich.

“They met in college. My grandpa got really drunk at a party and wound up passed out half naked in front of my grandma’s door. When she found him, she kicked him and broke one of his ribs. Their first date was at the hospital cafeteria,” Garrett said.

Maddie stared at him, “That has got to be the worst story ever.”

He laughed, “My grandma says that right after she got over the shock of a naked dude in front of her she knew that she loved him.”

“They sound like a perfect couple,” Maddie stated as she rested her head in his lap.

“They are. Isn’t it weird how just choosing a college can determine the rest of your life?” Garrett asked.

She looked at him quizzically, “What are you getting at, boo?”

He shrugged as he ran his hands through Maddie’s hair, “I don’t want you to leave.”

“We’ve discussed this,” she sighed.

“I know. I just don’t want you to meet some guy that you fall in love with right away,” Garrett said sadly.

Maddie sat up, “I doubt there’s going to be a bunch of naked men running around at Harvard.”

“You know what I mean,” he said.

“I’m not going to give up Harvard,” she said quietly.

“I’m not asking you to. But, I mean, you seriously haven’t thought about how our relationship will last?”

Maddie bit her lip as she realized that she really hadn’t put a considerable amount of thought into it, “I guess I haven’t.”

“It will be hard, Madds. Really, really hard for us to stay like we are now. I mean, when will we see each other? Half of the year we’ll be on different time zones, not to mention how busy you’ll be doing all your smart people things,” Garrett spoke. He was panicked and worried, and he wasn’t even trying to hide it.

“You don’t think we can do it?” Maddie asked hesitantly.

“Of course I think we can. But I’m a wishful thinker and the odds are against us, baby. I just don’t think you’ve put enough thought into it. It’s scary,” Garrett told her.

Maddie looked into Garrett’s eyes, not knowing what to say. She had ever seen him act this way. He was the binding that kept their relationship together. Whenever Maddie was a wreck Garrett knew what to say to make her better. But now Garrett was a mess and Maddie had no idea what to say.

Garrett used to be the number one fan of their relationship. He championed her into choosing Harvard but now he was backtracking. He was losing faith, and by default, taking Maddie’s hope with him.

“We still have a few months, baby. Please, let’s not talk about it,” Maddie said.

Garrett sighed, “We can’t keep running away from it.”

Maddie kissed him softly, “Yes, we can.”

Garrett smiled at her, “Do you want to go back to your house? I think I’m getting sunburned and I feel like this old couple is eye balling us.”

Maddie turned to follow Garrett’s eyes and let out a laugh when she saw the elderly man and woman giving the intimate teens dirty looks.

The two packed everything up and went back to Maddie’s. He collapsed onto her bed while she walked into her bathroom.

She turned on the shower head, letting the hot water steam up the room. She stepped in and let the sand wash from her body. Maddie heard the door open and she rolled her eyes.

“Garrett, get out.”

“We should have another water fight,” he said simply.

“Okay, how about when I’m not naked?” Maddie laughed.

“Eh, clothes aren’t necessary.”

“Then come on in!” Maddie joked.

Garrett laughed, “Don’t tease me, Madeline.”

Maddie shut off the water and reached out her hand, “Will you hand me a towel?”

Garrett did so and let his eyes fall onto the parts of Maddie’s exposed skin as she stepped out. She blushed at his attention as she brushed past him.

She reached into the top drawer of her dresser, slipping on underwear, shorts, and a bra while Garrett looked away before wrapping the towel around her body once more.

“You’ve been so cute your whole life,” Garrett said, admiring the collage of pictures on her wall.

She walked to him, staring at the pictures from next to him, “I was so awkward when we met!

“I always thought you were a cutie,” Garrett remarked.

“Well, it would be awkward if you thought I was ugly.”

“When was this?” Garrett asked, pointing to a picture of John and Maddie. Maddie was sixteen and dressed in John’s skinny jeans and one of his tank tops, while seventeen year old John was dressed in Maddie’s bikini top and booty shorts.

She laughed, “We were just really bored one day.”

He shook his head as he lay back on her bed and patted the spot next to him. She lay down, cuddling underneath his arm.

“You’re beautiful, Maddie,” Garrett said.

She lifted her head to meet his eyes, “Shut up, Garrett.”

He smiled as he kissed her. Maddie pressed her weight onto Garrett’s chest as she kissed him back harder. He ran his fingertips over the exposed skin on her back and she got goose bumps. As Maddie moved her lips to Garrett’s neck his breathing got rougher. He rolled over on top of her, moving his lips to her neck as she ran her hands through his hair. He moaned before forcefully pulling himself away and sighing.

“What’s wrong?” Maddie asked through staggered breath.

“You can’t play with me like that, Maddie. I’m trying really hard to respect what you want, but you make it really tough,” he said, staring at the ceiling.

Maddie looked at him contemplatively. He was being patient and respectful, and Maddie appreciated that he was trying. She also promised compromise, and as she stood up from the bed she prayed she wouldn’t regret it.

She slowly took the towel off of her body, revealing her pink lace bra. Garrett sat up and stared in her eyes, “What are you doing?”

“Giving you a little bit more. It’s what you wanted, right?” she asked, suddenly feeling very insecure.

“You’re perfect,” he said, letting his eyes flicker to her body.

Maddie leaned forward and kissed him. Garrett ran his hands along her hips as he pulled her on top of him. His hands gradually moved lower down her back as he traced his fingers down her spine. His thumbs hooked underneath the waistband of her short pajama shorts. He began to rub his thumb above the band of her underwear and she pulled her lips away from his.

“Garrett, don’t ruin this,” she begged.

He looked at her apologetically, “Don’t stop.”

She sighed before standing up and staying in front of Garrett. He sat up and took her hands in his. “Maddie, I need to tell you something.”

“Go for it,” she said. Before Garrett could continue Maddie’s phone rang from the bed stand. She picked it up and read the text, a smile rising on her lips.

Garrett took the phone from her, “Maddie, I’m trying to tell you that I love you.”

Her heartbeat sped up as she stared into his eyes, “Y- You what?”

“I love you,” he breathed. “I know this is the weirdest timing ever but you have my heart, Maddie. You always have. Please tell me that you love me too.”

She took in a deep breath as she thought of the text she had just received from John. It read, Oh hey best friend. I hope you had a good time with Garrett today because you’re all mine tomorrow. I’m kidnapping you at approximately eight o’clock a.m. Love you!

Maddie almost smacked herself for getting so distracted at such an important time. John really was always in the back of her mind, but as she stared into Garrett’s blue eyes she knew the only thing she needed to say to keep his heart together, “I love you, too.”

And by default, those words would keep her heart together as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no excuses for why it took me so long to update, I just suck.
Comments have been a little bit sparse, but maybe because Garrett is back it'll fix that! & maybe if I told you the next few chapters will be craaaazy that would help? Hmm (:
Thanks for reading!