Breathe, And For A Moment Enjoy The Freedom In This Perfect Chaos


The clock flashed 5AM as Ryan layed silently on his back examining the posters hanging
above his bed. They were the type of posters all teenage boys had. 'Simpsons' and 'race car
girls'. Spencer had given them to him for his last birthday, explaining how he thought they
might come in handy (especially the one with the half naked girl posing in front of a Ferrari)
later on. And here Ryan was, almost a year later waiting for these reached things to come in
handy. The only thing they had done was slightly repulse him. The only reason they were
still up was to not hurt Spencer's feeling. Although Ryan thought they might soon have a run
in with his little brothers markers.
"Extra cheese. Don't burn the crust you a-hole" The sleeping boy next to Ryan mumbled.
Brendon who was sleeping to the right of Ryan shifted around, leaving his pillow and
placing his head on Ryan's bare shoulder.
The older boy felt a tug at his heart. Its not like Ryan was gay or anything, he just felt, lets say
special, feelings towards his best friend. Brendon smacked his lips a few times and
wrapping his arms around Ryan's arm.
"No, no olives. No olives," Brendon jerked and turned around still holding Ryan's arm.
Even as badly as he wanted to, Ryan couldn't shift himself and cuddle with the other boy, so
he let Brendon twist him around just to keep his sanity. Not that he had much to loose in
the first place.
"There goes my hero, watch him as he goes." Hero by Foo Fighters rang out of Brendon's sidekick. Popping up like a Eggo in a toaster Brendon sat up blindly looking for the phone, knocking objects off surfaces as he went.
"Bout' time. Ive been waiting forever for my pizza," He mumbled finally finding the phone
in his jeans pockets that were laying on the floor.
"Who the fuck calls ME this early in the morning." He gasped rubbing the sleep from
his eyes. Finally waking up fully. He still held Ryan's arm and held onto the side of the bed for balance.
"Whaaa" He spoke into the phone, "fuck Jon you called me to get homework answers at, I
don't know what time it is but early?"
He twisted looking for my clock loosing his balance and falling off the bed bringing me down with him seeing as he still had a decent grip on my arm.
"Shit. 5:30 in the morning. Call me at a normal hour Jonathan" And he hung up the phone. "Ow." He whispered to me grinning as if this little trip to the floor was somehow special. To him anyway. For Ryan any contact with Brendon was special and here he was, shirtless straddling his best friend.
"ow is right." Ryan smiled thinking about how wrong the butterflies in his stomach felt but yet
they just felt so god damn right.
"That's one was to wake up." Smile and swoon.
"Sure is."
"You're warm." Brendon wrapped his arms around Ryan's stomach and brought him down
so he was now laying flat on top of him.
You are killing me here Brendon Boyd Urie. You realize that don't you? Thoughts raced through Ryan's head.
"Thank y-you?" Ryan stuttered arching his right eyebrow. Brendon just laughed and openly smiled at the older boy.
"Ryan, Brendon, get up. School in an hour." Ryan's mom knocked loudly on the bedroom

"I vote we move to California." Brendon randomly stated while the pair got dressed for the
"What?" Ryan asked not following this boy's train of thought at all. "What does California
have to do with anything?"
"Oh sorry. I was just thinking how my cousin in California's school doesn't start until 8." He
explained hopping into a pair of jeans.
"Well then California here we come!" Ryan laughed finishing lining his eyes with dark eyeliner.
"Like totally dude." Brendon mocked in a fake surfer voice. Ryan just stared with no emotion at all. Or at least that's how it seemed on the outside, on the inside his heart was melting at the unbelievably cute expression on Brendon's face.
"no" yes