Breathe, And For A Moment Enjoy The Freedom In This Perfect Chaos

Chapter 4

Brendon pushed me down on the couch not once removing him lips from my body. I let out a small moan at the contact.
"You don't know how long I've wanted this." I whispered into Brendon's ear making him smile into the kiss. By this point we both were laying on the couch as I straddling Brendon's hips. Before either of us had a chance to do anything more, headlights shone through the window hitting the wall behind them.
"Shit, my parents are home." Brendon paniced gently sliding our from under me.
"I-I should be getting home anyways. I told my mom I would be back about a half hour ago." I told him while pulling my shirt down seeing as it had crept up my stomach during out little uh, make-out session.
"Do you mind if we don't tell anyone just yet?" Brendon asked me sliding a piece of hair away from my eyes. "Its not like I'm ashamed of you, I just think it would be a bit better for us to talk about this before we go and announce it to the world." He quickly added.
"I know I totally agree with you" I told him giving him yet another quick kiss before the door swung open revealing Mrs. Urie.
"Mom, What are doing home? I thought you were stuck in New Mexico for the night?" Bren
asked his mom.
"Oh, well I managed to get a flight back tonight. Oh hello Ryan." Her smile was still
plastered on her face. I learned from experience that it always took a while for her to not
smile at every comment when she just got off a flight. Mrs. urie worked for an airline, not
sure which one but she seemed to love it.
"Hello Mrs. Urie nice to see you again." She smiled at my comment and made her way into the kitchen.
"Well that was close. I knew someone was there but I really didn't think they would get into
the house that quickly." Brendon laughed.
"Well, I should be going. I'll talk to you later?" I asked leaning in.
"Yeah I'll call you." Bren replied before quickly kissing me one last time.
"Good bye Mrs.," I called before opening the front door.
"Good bye Ryan!" and with that I was out the door walking to my car.

"Hey," I whispered into my cell phone feeling a smile creep up onto my lips.
"Hey," Brendon's voice answered back. I don't know if I've ever felt this happy to hear his
sweet, sweet voice.
"So, uh, about this." He laughed as if not really being able to say what he was feeling. I could understand, i was feeling the same way.
"Yeah, about this." I mumbled.
"I think we should try this out ourselves before we tell anyone." He suggested. I propped
myself up on my elbow running a hand through my hair.
"I think that's our best option for the moment." I agreed completely.
"OK, so, how was your day?" Brendon laughed as if he didn't know.
"Well, it was going good until lunch, I screwed myself over or so I though, went to your
house, screwing myself over even more or once again, so i thought then I went home paced
for three hours. Went to your house and well, you were there and then I came home and
haven't stopped thinking about you." I replied trying to act as if this was the most normal day
I had ever had.
"Well, sounds like you had some day there Ryan." It was as if I could see the smile across
is face over the phone.
"How was yours?" I asked him flipping myself back onto my back.
"Um, well It was all good then really good when I got to have lunch with you, then it was even
better when you came over than it was like WHOH when you kissed me then I spent three
hours thinking and reading your book, sorry by the way, then I called you and well yeah and
now I'm talking to you so I think its been a pretty good day. And Ry, at no time during the day
did you screw yourself over. You made all the right moves."
Oh my god. He said I made all the right moves! How sweet is that!
"Bren, you are the sweetest guy in the whole world. Did you know that?"
"Your pretty damn sweet yourself there Ry."
"Not as sweet as you."
"Nuh uh."
"Uh huh."
"Is this kind of creepy?"
We both laughed at the same time. One of those moments that felt so god damn perfect.
"OK, well I got to go Ry. I'm beat. I'll see you in the morning?" He yawned into the phone.
"Yeah defiantly. Hey, do you maybe want to like, get there a bit early? Or meet at Starbucks
or something before class?" I asked biting my lower lip.
"Yeah sounds perfect."
"OK cool. Nighty night don't let the bed bugs bight."
The conversation was clicked off and I screamed into my pillow. It was all finally happening.