Breathe, And For A Moment Enjoy The Freedom In This Perfect Chaos

Chapter 6

I could practically hear Brendon's heartbeat as he slowly turned on a heal to look at the voice.
"H-Hey Em," Brendon stuttered next to me. His face looked a bit paler than before.
"Don't worry little bro, I wont snitch you out. Just wanted to say hi." She smiled and clutched her boyfriends hand next to her. "Hello Ryan." She looked at me with the same face. She and her mother have very similar smiles, jeeze.
"Hello Emily." A few words were exchanged after that and our two pairs parted.
"holy shit. I swear I just died." Brendon sighed and laughed as we walked back to the car.
"Aw it wasn't that bad was it? At least shes not going to tell on you." I told him and bumped against him sending him into the bumper on a SUV.
"So, what should we do now?" He asked taking his place behind the wheel. Why I let him drive honestly, is beyond me. I'm older and way more responsible. I guess it's just one of those things that you let slip when your with someone who makes your whole body warm.
"I don't know. What would you like to do?" I ask him and she shrugs. I laugh at the small gesture because he just looks so cute doing it.
"What?" He asks eying me as he starts up the car.
"Oh nothing. Your just cute is all." I tell him and his cheeks blush a light shade of pink.
"I might be cute but your adorable." Brendon tells me and it's my turn to blush.
"No, no I'm not." I sigh and examine my boney wrist.
"Yes you are. Your adorable, cute, funny, amazingly nice, creative, deep, fun. Ryan, your perfect." He takes my hand and gives it a small squeeze.
"You don't know what your saying." I whisper to him, heat overtaking my face.
"Yes I do. and I also know if I'm going to risk getting shunning by my whole family, I'm going to do it for you. I would anything for you." He tells me and I hate how I believe him.
"I feel the same way Bren. I feel the exact same way." i tell him and scoot in the seat so I can lay my head on his shoulder. Brendon starts fanning his fingers through my hair and placing a quick kiss here and there. We know better than to full on kiss in public but how harmful can a small kiss here and there be.
"If I promise never to brake you, can you promise to leave my pieces?" I ask him as we sit in the car.
"No. I couldn't stand you in pieces." He answers back a bit of confusing in his voice. "Why would you be in pieces Ry?"
"Because one day you'll realize that you can do so much better than me." l tell him and I can feel his breath hitch.
"Ryan no one will ever be better than you. Your my first love. No one can ever take your place in my heart." He tells me and by his breathing I can tell hes getting upset about this.
"Are you saying you love me?" I ask him my voice a bit off as well.
"I think so. I really do."

I lean my body against the cool counter top of my weekend job. My shift is about halfway over and I'm not sure how I'll make it through the rest of the day like this. You would think working at a Starbucks in Las Vegas would be fairly entertaining. Well if you have the afternoon shift, not really. You see, nothing happens in Vegas during the day. Its a night time city completely. The only time there's any type of excitement besides night is mornings when all the hungover workers come in to get their pep for their day of getting ready for one more show or a day of cleaning trashed hotel rooms. And of course here i am. 2 O'Clock on the afternoon on a Saturday. I have no life. Seriously. I've had 3 customers in the past hour. Thats got to be some kind of record!
The small door chimes signaling me from my daydream. I smile as i look up and see Brendon walking towards me.
"Hey babe" He smiles and leans over to me, his palms flat on the faux wood counter.
"Hello welcome to Starbucks. What can i get you this lovely extremely boring and god help me afternoon?" i ask him in a serious and professional tone. He laughs and I smile.
"Well," He leans into my smock to read my name tag, "Ryan. Can I please have a double shot non fat soy no foam iced and blended grande' mocha latte'?" He asks with a hint of smart ass in his voice. He thinks I didn't get that. I grab a cup and write it all down and recite it back to him. He smirks and looks impressed. "I'm a professional." I remind him. " Someone got to understand the business crowd." He laughs at my lame joke. God love him.
"So I have news." He announces while slapping his hands onto the counter before stepping back and placing then on his sides for added effect.
"Oh?" I grinned. He was trying to hide a grin. I could tell.
"Yes. So I've just found out my family will be taking a vacation. Without me." He shoots me a smile with practically all his teeth showing.
"Was that supposed to be good news?" I asked a bit confused of the situation.
"yes very good news. Do you know why?"
"Oh course Bren. Everyone knows." i tell him dead serious.
"Oh." He looks like a kicked dog and I real bad.
"Sarcasm honey."
"Oh! OK well as you know my parents don't trust me alone but someone has to stay with the dog and well, my mom is asking mom if you can stay the weekend over there with me. All. Alone. And yes I realize how Corney and unrealistic that sounds but hey, ill take it." He laughs. To be honest, I'm a bit speechless. I mean how the hell did he pull that off?
"Wow." I manage and he laughs again.
"Good news?"
"Oh beyond good. Beyond."
"Finally get to take you on a date."
"Oh god." I roll my eyes.
"What?" He fakes a gasp and places a hand on his chest.
I just smile at him. The familiar ring of the door goes off and I move my eyes into that direction. A group of girls walks in and i can tell the one is checking Brendon out. He mine betch. Back off. They walk up and I abandon my post behind the frapachino blenders to go take their orders.
"Welcome to starbucks. What can I get you?"
Of course all the 5 girls order long complicated orders but of course as we discovered earlier, I'm a professional.
As I make the drinks I can see the one blond from earlier talking to Brendon and I can feel my insides twist with jealousy. I hate that feeling. I'm not usually like this but I mean this is Brendon. Hes MINE. No questions.
"Hey Brendon." I call and he looks up smiling. "Can you do me a huge favor and get me some vanilla syrup from the back room?" I ask him. He nods and makes his way into the back. I smirk at the girl and continue making the other drinks. When he returns I make sure to give him a kiss of thank you and his cheeks blush red. I can see the blond avert her eyes and start talking to some of the other girls.
"Jealous are we?" Bren asks under hes breath and I shrug my shoulders. He laughs and we watch the group leave. The blond was the first out the door.
"Well hate to say it but I must go. Got people to see things to do. My mom probably thinks I went to England for the milk." I laugh and he hugs me quickly kissing my cheek.
"I'll talk to you later Ry. Love you."
"Bye. Love you."