Breathe, And For A Moment Enjoy The Freedom In This Perfect Chaos

Chapter 8

I layed down next to Brendon, my hair sticking to my face and my heart beating like crazy. Before you get the wrong idea, we didn't do that, just a very heated make out session. Very very heated.
"This is torture." Brendon whispered nuzzling his mouth right by my ear. I nodded numbly.
"I'm about ready to just give in." I whispered turning my head to press my lips to his. He returned the pressure before pulling back when my hand slipped up his shirt a bit.
"We're not ready Ryan. We'll regret it later." He told me and I simply nodded again. He definitely had a point but tell that to the growing bulge in my pants. We both layed back down onto the mattress with heavy sighs.
"I love you." He told me pecking my cheek before standing up and rushing to the bathroom. I chuckled as he almost slipped on a loose sheet that had fell across the hardwood floor he stepped on.
"Smooth move Bren,"
"Oh you love it." He winked and I growled.
So here I was, left laying in my boyfriend living room dressed in nothing but boxers completely alone. I wonder where he keeps the scrapbooks. I sat up and walked over to the bookcase taking down what looked to be a scrapbook. I ran my hands over the cover before opening it to reveal the front cover stating in large black print, "Brendon Boyd Urie age 3-10"
"Perfect." I smiled and brought the book back with me to the couch.
"Lets see here," I smiled cracking the next page to reveal various toddler aged Brendon's. I flipped through the book cooing at the pictures and laughing. A few of my favorites were, Brendon falling out of a tree, Brendon falling off his bike, Brendon taking a bath in the sink, Brendon wearing a face full of ice cream, Brendon at Halloween and my all time favorite, Brendon peeing in a vase while just in the corner you can see his grandmother looking horrified and about to faint. All the while his face was puckered up into a cute little grin that I have grown to love. I chuckled at a picture of said boy swimming in a pool looking as if the plastic floaties were about to sink the poor child.
"Having fun?" Someone asked from the doorway. I looked up to see Brendon standing there with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed.
"You were such a cute baby." I told him and looked back down at the book.
"Cute? More like awkward and confused!" He look a seat next to me on the overstuffed couch.,
"OK sure throw awkward and confused in there too but I mean how can you not call that little tush cute?" I asked pointed to yet another sink bath picture.
"You shouldn't be looking at that pornographic material Mister! Your poor virgin eyes."
"Its not like Ive never seen an ass before. I mean I have to sit in Mr. Guerra's class everyday." I cracked a joke at the expense of our least favorite teacher. Brendon smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Smart ass."
"See! Even you are calling me an expert on the culture of assadone!"
"Good point there." He agreed nodding his head.
"Now give that back this is interesting material." I pouted grabbing the book back from Brendon's grip. He let me have it and I flipped through a few more pages.
"I'm bored." He finally sighed. "And hungry,"
"What are we going to do about that?"
"Well i was thinking something along the lines of the 24 hour dinner down on freemont."
"That sounds good. Lets go." I agreed feeling my stomach ruble. I stood up and started walking towards the door after setting the book back on the shelf.
"Uh Ry?" Brendon called as I stood by the door, keys in hand.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked and I had to think for a minute before looking down at my skimpily clothes body.
"'Oh right." I blushed and went for my bad of clean clothes.


We sat in the small back corner booth in the brightly lit 50's styled dinner. We were by far not the only ones in the restaurant considering it was right off the strip on a Friday night. The dinner was a popular teenage and young adult hand out for the weekends even into the wee hours of the morning.
"Good evening, good morning? Anyways hi! What can I get you boys?" the confused waitress asked coming up to our table.
"Can I have the strawberry pancakes and an orange juice please?" I ordered and she nodded, scribbling the order into her notepad.
"And can i have the chocolate chip pancakes with a coffee?" Brendon ordered.
"That it?" She asked looking at us. And we nodded before she scampered off into the kitchen. Brendon sighed and leaned back into the springy booth chair and sighed.
"They didn't have what I wanted on the menu." He complained and I raised my eyebrows in shock. He knew their menu front to back or so I thought.
"And what was that?" I asked curious as to what a coffee shop pretty much doesn't have. I mean where else can you choose between pancakes and a steak.
"You." he smiled a cheeky smiled. Such a cheese-ball.
I laughed, "But you already have me Bren."
"I want you now though." He leaned in his breath tickling my skin. We looked around the restaurant quickly to see if anyone we knew was around. The coast was clear so we kissed quickly. He smile widened.
"That satisfy your craving?" i asked.
"No." he admitted and leaned in again. The door rung to signal a new costumer but we didn't notice, we were still lip locked. When we finally pulled away we looked ahead to stare at a very wide eyed Jon Walker.