Trust These Words Are Stone


Where the hell did that burst of courage come from? I don’t recall skipping down a yellow-brick road and getting some from the almighty Oz. But even so, it looks as if this is turning out quite well, don’t fuck it up, Frank.

“Th-that doesn’t prove anything,” Gerard stutters with a small smirk playing across his lips as he awkwardly breaks our eye contact.

I grin at how adorable he is, especially when he’s nervous, especially when he’s nervous because of me. “Does that mean you don’t want me to do it again?” I question playfully, protruding my bottom lip so I’m making at pouty face, aka my pathetic attempt to be cute.

“No,” he says sternly, crossing his arms across his chest, “I do not want you to do it again.” This must be his man voice.

Suddenly, I find myself at a loss for words because I honestly cannot tell whether or not he’s kidding, so I’m left with wide eyes in my poorly lit, but well-decorated living room.

Before I can continue sitting there like an idiot for too long, his rough hands grab my face, turning my head as his beautiful, cherry lips crash onto mine like two cars in a head-on collision. My heart pounds and butterflies dance in my stomach as our lips move together perfectly, our tongues gliding roughly yet gracefully with one another, I can’t help but moan slightly into this magical kiss.

All my stupid problems seem to be washed away in this moment; all thoughts of being a whore, not loving my best friend like he loves me, my band breaking up, basically my life crumbling, just seem insignificant while our lips are attached, bringing us closer together, and not just physically.

Finally, the kiss has no end, no matter how badly I want to continue with it. Here comes to awkward glance exchanging followed by a “so…..” ugh, spare me.

“I really like you…a lot…” Gee says in a very sure voice.

Seriously, is this really happening? Call me a cynic, but this has got to be too good to be true. I mean, shouldn’t my alarm clock being going off? Maybe I’m about to get shot and die, and “God” or whatever wanted me to have a nice last moment on Earth. That was certainly kind of him.

I look out the window behind the couch Gerard and I are sitting, honestly expecting to see some dude with a gun pointed at me. Realizing how silly that is, I chuckle a bit at myself.

“Jeez Frank, a simple ‘Sorry, but I don’t feel that way about you’ would have worked,” the man I accidently forgot about speaks, snapping me out of my thoughts, he pulls away from me slightly.

“No-I, um, just-uh,” stumbling over my words, I at last manage to blurt out, “Ireallylikeyoutoo,” as quickly as possible.

His upset face soon turns jubilant,much like my dick.

“Do you think that maybe…we can just put all the bad stuff behind us?” he inquires with hope laced throughout his words.

“I’d like that,” I practically swoon.

“Fr-frankie,” his stuttering reveals his nerves, and makes me smile, “do you maybe want to be my boyfriend?” seeming unsure and insecure, he musters up the courage to ask.

Holy fuck, this has to be a dream. I’d be totally convinced that it was if Gee was naked, but sadly he’s not. This is real. Oh my god. The butterflies fluttering in my stomach have turned into dinosaurs who are now romping around.

Why the fuck am I so nervous? Oh that’s right; I have a huge crush on him. Not to mention the fact that my best friend likes me as “more than a friend.”

Fuck my wonderful/horrible life.

“Of course I will, Gee,” I squeak, sounding extremely feminine, internally, I scoff at myself.

He smiles wider than I’ve ever seen before. Jesus, I’m melting.

“I’ll remember this moment forever,” he gushes right before he brings his lips gently to mine, and closes the space between our mouths.

Oh Gerard, what are you doing to my heart?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, shoot me. I'm so sorry, once again.
I took a huuuuge break from writing, so now I'm back :D
Buuuut my writing sucks now :/

Anyways, thank you so much if you've actually stuck with this story.
And if you're new, welcome ^^

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