Perfection for a Day

Lemonade Can Really Cool One Off

I screamed as I fell towards the ground someone my butt hit first then I fell onto my back. Pain shot through my body, I shut my eyes tight to block out the sun that was directly overhead and to keep in the tears that threatened to escape. I could hear people gasping and then I felt it, an ice cold beverage being dumped all over me. The whole event felt like it took hours when really it only took seconds for this all to go down. This was not how I had planned my day at warped tour to go. I forced my eyes open took notice of the people trying to help me up, stubbornly I refused all help and forced myself up and out of the muddy area my body had been laying in. Hands came from each side wanting to comfort me and make sure I was alright I brushed them all off quickly. One pair grabbed my hands tightly and wouldn’t let go.

“Don’t fight me, your head is bleeding. Other then that are you ok?” His voice was trying to sound calm but there was a hint of edge behind it. I didn’t answer just tried to fight his hands off of mine but his grip wouldn’t let up. “Stop fighting. Are you ok?”

“I feel sticky.” I mumbled still trying to pull my hands away.

“Sticky? What do you mean sticky?”

“I don’t think that was water that was spilt on me. And it feels like something sticky is running down my face.” He let go of my hands immediately and wiped at my face. “What are you doing?”

“I told you you’re bleeding. Come on lets get you to the med station. I’m so sorry about this I didn’t even see you standing there.”

“Hazard of being short. I can walk myself to the med station.”

“I’d feel better if I walked you since I am responsible for this.”

“At least don’t hold me up, its embarrassing.” He let go of my arm and held up his hands in surrender. “What did you spill on me anyways?”

“Lemonade. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, I promise no damage done. I can go rinse my hair out in the bathroom or at one of the water stations and it’s warped tour I can go buy a new outfit from any number of happy merch people. So no harm done.”

“You’re taking this very well.”

“Well I can either take it well or I can make a big deal about it and in the end have to do the same thing as if I took it well. So should I buy you a new lemonade while I’m at it or are you fine buying your own?”

“I can buy a new one.” He steered me into the med station and sat me down at the first available spot. “I knocked her down and she started bleeding.”

“I’m fine really just patch the sucker up so I can go find my friends.” The medic walked over to me and stared for a moment before taping some gauze to my forehead. “I don’t even know how I managed that when I hit my back.”

“You rolled.” I stuck my tongue out at him then turned back to the medic.

“Its nice that you have such a good friend to walk you over here.” She said before lifting my leg up and putting a bandage on the back of it.

“I’ve never met him before he just knocked me down and spilled lemonade on me. Is my leg bleeding too?”
“Not at all I just thought it would feel left out if I didn’t bandage it also.” She gave me a smirk then helped me stand up.

“Thanks doc, hopefully I won’t have to see you again today.” I left the tent and started walking towards the nearest bathroom.

“Hey wait!,” The guy called out chasing after me, “Wait up please.”

“What do you have more stuff to spill on me?”

“No it’s not like that I swear just wait.” I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to say something else. Anything else. “I’m sorry let me get you a new outfit, it’s not a big deal just let me help you.”

“Help me? You’re going to help me? You caused this problem.” He gave me another guilty smile. “Fine but I need to rinse my hair before getting a new outfit. So what’s your name anyways?”

“Stephen and yours?”

“Abby. Don’t take this the wrong way but in this light you look kind of familiar. Like I’ve seen you somewhere before. Do you live around here?” He pushed his black hair away from his face and let out a sigh.

“No I don’t. Its been a while since I’ve been here actually a couple months at least.”

“Oh well then I’m guessing you don’t go to school with me.”

“Haven’t been in high school in a while either.”

“College kind sir, I am in college.”

“Oh I’m sorry I had no idea you look young.”

“So do you babyface.”


“My new name for you.” I pushed him playfully and then ran a little ways away, he chased after me and wrapped his arms around my wait and spun me. We laughed as people walking past us stared. “What was that?”

“I don’t know go rinse your hair out.” I went to the restroom and turned on a faucet with cold water then dunked my head into it and let it run for a minute. My hair was a mess and I tried to squeeze it out best that I could but no matter what it just looked like a mess. I came around the corner knowing he was going to be gone, but there he was still standing where I left him. “Ready to go get clothes?”

“You’re still here? I thought you would have left. I thought you would have gone far away.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“No not really.”

“Good because I told you I would get you a new outfit and I plan to stick to that.” He grabbed my hand and led me through a sea of merch tents before stopping in front of the baby blue tent that read ‘ the summer set’. “Here we go what size are you?” I mumbled out a few words as he stepped behind the table.

“Fuck, you’re Stephen Gomez.”