Perfection for a Day

yay for friendships

“I didn’t want you to leave either, so why did you? I thought everything was fine then I looked up from signing a poster and saw you walking away.” Stephen said. “I’ve been looking for you I left the signing early even.”

“I didn’t ask you to.” I said sitting up and staring at him.

“You didn’t have to ask me to I wanted to. I thought we were going to hang out more.”

“Courtney didn’t want me there. So I left, I told her to tell you I said goodbye.” He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“She did tell me. Then I left. I wasn’t ready for the goodbye.” I smiled slightly in my mind I answered with ‘neither was I’. “So do you want to go check out some more bands or what do you want to do?”

“Anything with you, we could just hang out here.”

“Lets go back to the bus, at least it is air conditioned there.”

“Are you trying to seduce me? Because I won’t stand for that one bit.”

“Not my plan.”

“Is Courtney going to be there?”

“Probably not. Come on lets go.” He led me to the bus area and into his bus. “Hey John this is Abby, my new friend.” John stepped forward with his hand extended.

“Hi Abby, so you’re the girl my brother ditched the signing?” He said.

“I didn’t ask him to.” I said. “I. Courtney. Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize you’re fine, I forged his name. Got pretty good at it so he better hide his wallet well.” Stephen smacked him. “Anyways what are you guys up to?”

“We don’t know, got any ideas?” Stephen said.

“I was going to watch television. Join in please?” We followed him to the back lounge and took spots next to each other. “So how did you guys meet?”

“He dumped a rather large cup of lemonade on me then was nice enough to make me look like an dork by giving me a bunch of summer set clothes.” I said, “Oh and I had to wet my hair down in the bathroom sink which also made me look like a dork.”

“My bro is so smooth.”

“What would you have done differently?”

“I would have offered you my clothes.”

“So instead of giving her fresh clean clothes you would have offered her your gross sweaty clothes?” Stephen asked, “My bro is so classy.”

“Well as the classy guy I am I should offer you guys drinks yes? I’ll take them from Josh so don’t worry.”

“Yeah grab us a couple sodas.” Stephen said. John left and I leaned up against Stephen. “If you want different clothes I can give you some of mine. They’re clean promise.”

“No these are fine, I was just joking around.” His hand went under my chin lifting it slightly. His lips were coming closer to mine they barely touched when I pulled away. “We can’t kiss.”

“Why not? We’re having a great day together. I thought maybe I was reading the signals wrong.”

“You weren’t reading them wrong, we just can’t kiss.” Stephen opened his mouth to say something but John walked back in with our sodas.

“Lucky for us Josh had root beer! I propose a toast, to new friendships!” John yelled.

“Yay for friendships.” Stephen said clicking his can with John and mine.