Paper Faces On Parade

Day One With Him.

"Welcome everyone, all juniors please report to your assigned classrooms to meet your seniors. Thank you."

I sighed, practically nothing ran through my mind at that point. I tried my best to stay away from him for a while, disappointing that it all went down hill from there. By now I bet he already heard the news of my new 'lover'. All of his anger probably pent up in him as I kept thinking.

Room 102

I strolled my way pass the crowd of people who stopped every single second to chat with someone new. Those irritating students would not move at all, they begun to pent up my own anger that them. I wished they'd wipe off those stupid smirks and smiles, all of the happiness practically ruined me.

For a split second, my mind tried to persuade me to just sprint away. Yet, it was already too late. The teacher slammed the door open, a few inches away from my face. The cool breeze somewhat calmed down my nerves.

"Name?" a tall woman with round glasses stared down at me. Shivers ran through my spine, almost as scary as Gavin.

"Terrence," I swallowed my words. She checked her clipboard for a second, then glanced back at me.

"Gavin is in the back of the room," she stated, sounding very board. I decided to give Gavin some credit, hoping he wouldn't crush me into peices. When I walked carefully into the class room, there he was.

He held his dirty blonde bangs out of his face, as he talked to the boy named Kent that punched me at the party. I froze, thinking about how the situation could turn out.

A) He could kill me.

B) He could ignore me.

C) He could pretend to be nice to me

I hoped so terribly that he picked C as to what might happen. Finishing up his conversation with that Kent boy, he noticed me. I couldn't show any fear, he couldn't know how vulnerable I was to him.

"Hello Gavin," I calmed my voice. Both Kent and Gavin shared a glance with each other, then glared back up at me. Slowly, both of the boys rose from their desks, practically towered over my body. Fear struck me in all different direction. I crossed my fingers that they would go easy on me.

"My kid's here, I'll talk to you later," Kent told Gavin, still glaring at me with angst. Some relaxation formed in my mind as the other boy left.

"Thank you," Gavin whispered. His beautiful eyes softened, actually appearing to be sincere. Wait, what?
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So did everyone have a good Thanksgiving :D? I did!
Anyway, I started writing a new story, please read and tell me what you think?(:
Hey Romeo, Get Away From My Window I'm not sure if it's going to be a slash, or anything really. But I do have somewhat of an idea!

So tell me what you think? <3