Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 10}

Syn: Jaz, come on get up. Please will you wake up?
Me: Ugh go away. I wanna sleep.
Syn: Please get up. I promise you will love it.
Me: Love what?
Syn: I wanna show you something.
Me: What is so important that I had to get up for it? At 3 in the morning, I still have two hours to sleep.
Syn: Please, for me?
Me: Fine, can I get dressed?
Syn: If you want. But I don’t see a point in it. No one will see you.
Me: The fact that I am in booty shorts and a tank top and it is cool out there. I will be right back in like 5 minutes ok.
Syn: Fine but we have to leave in 15 minutes to make it. I will be downstairs.
Me: Whatever.

I got out of bed and grabbed
some black tripp pants with red lacing
a long sleeve shirt that says “I’m rad your rad let’s hug”

I walked into the bathroom. Did my business and brushed my teeth. I walked back into the room and brushed my hair into a ponytail and put my shoes on. I walked downstairs to where Syn was waiting at the door.

Me: So are you going to tell me where we are going this early in the morning?
Syn: You’ll see when we get there. But I have one other favor to ask.
Me: What you want me to wear a blindfold too?
Syn: Actually yeah.
Me: I was kidding. Why in hell would I wear a blindfold?
Syn: Because it is a surprise. Please?
Me: Fine. Whatever.