Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 13}

I was woken up by my cell singing “You don’t own me” by Leslie Gore.

Phone Convo
Richard: Hey baby girl I have been trying to call you for 3 hours.
Me: Rich can you fly down here please?
Richard: Why? He didn’t hurt you did he? If that tall s.o.b. laid one finger on you I swear I will pull a Grandma and bring him down to my level and kick his ass.
Me: No Rich, Syn hasn’t hit me or touched me. Please I just really need you.
Richard: Oh ok honey, I will take the next flight ok I will call you back in like 10 minutes and tell you when I am flying in.
Me: Ok love ya bro.
Richard: Love ya lil sis.

So 10 minutes later my phone goes off.

Phone Convo
Richard: I will be arriving at 8 tonight ok?
Me: Sure, I will have someone there to pick you up either Rae or Syn will ok?
Richard: Why can’t you?
Me: I will explain when you get here ok?
Richard: Fine. Bye see you soon.

So I hollered for Syn and Rae. They both flew up the stairs I swear it sounded like a herd of horses. Then they burst through the door.

Syn: What’s wrong are you ok?
Me: I am fine.
Rae: Ok what’s up then?
Me: I love you both.
Rae: What do we have to do?
Me: Richard is flying in tonight at 8 and since I have to stay in bed that means one of you two have to go get him.
Rae: Damn, I don’t wanna last time I picked him up somewhere he tried to get me to pick up a gay guy.
Syn: Are you serious? I thought you guys were just fooling with me about him being gay.
Rae: How did you not know? The moment I met him I knew he was gay without Jaz telling me who he was.
Syn: I thought he was just a little on the girly side.
Me: You truly are an idiot. But back to the point who is going to pick him up? And personally I suggest Syn do it.
Syn: Why me?
Me: Because I said so anymore questions?
Rae: Looks like you are going.
Syn: But I don’t wan...
Me: Do I have to repeat myself? I want you to do it.
Syn: Fine I will go pick up a guy who dislikes me for the fact that I married his little sister.
Me: No he doesn’t like you because he says you are a manwhore.
Rae: I can’t say I disagree.
Syn: What is this gang up on Brian day?
Me: No this is gang up on Syn day.
Syn: I really wish you would call me Brian.
Rae: When you earn it she will.
Me: Now Syn go away I need to talk to Rae.
Syn: Fine I know when I am not wanted.

He leaves the room and Rae sits on the bed next to me.

Rae: Why are you really sending him?
Me: Because Rich thinks that he hit me and I wanna see what happens.
Rae: That is mean.
Me: I know but I‘m a bitch but everyone loves me.
Rae: True. I don’t know why but it is true.
Me: Because I am awesome. But I wanna sleep for a little bit when Rich gets here you and him come up here cuz we all need to talk k?
Rae: Sure.

With that she left and I went back to sleep.

~ 3 and ½ hours later~

Richard: Ok lazy ass wake up and tell me why I flew to Cali from Chattanooga.
Me: Because I need to talk to you cuz I am so confused.
Rae: Jaz you might wanna start by telling him about the hospital visit.
Richard: Why the HELL were you in the hospital? Brian get your ass in here NOW!

Syn ran into the room.

Syn: What?
Richard: Why the hell was my little sister in the fucking hospital?
Syn: God damn do you think I put her there?
Richard: I am asking you why the fucking you aren’t taking care of her. Which is apparent since she had to go to the hospital.
Rae: Do you think we should step in yet?
Me: Nah, this is kind of funny.
Rae: True.
Syn: I didn’t do shit. You need to be talking to her not me.
Richard: Well you must not being doing shit you are supposed to take care of her not have to put her in the hospital.
Me: OK this has gone far enough. Rich sit down now!
Richard: Fine whatever.

Richard sat down on the opposite side of me as Rae.

Me: Syn, can you please go back down stairs I need to speak to my dumbass brother and my best friend?
Syn: This is the seco…