Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 14}

Syn: What’s up? Rae and Richard told me you need to talk to me?
Me: Yeah I do sit down.

He sat down on the bed and I moved into the chair in front of him.

Syn: Ok what is going on? You are freaking me out here.
Me: Just let me talk ok.
Syn: Ok.
Me: First did anyone explain the passing out thing to you?
Syn: Not really the doctor said that he really didn’t know what caused it and that you would have to tell me.
Me: Ok then I guess I should explain that first. You see when I was a kid I would get really stressed and I would black out for like 10 minutes at the most but once my mom and father got back together it got worse. I was always stressed. I was trying to be the perfect daughter I thought if I was then maybe my father would love me like he loves my sister.
Syn: Why...
Me: Let me finish please. Anyways so between trying to be perfect and dealing with the consent verbal abuse I was being put though my mind wasn’t able to take it so I would black out for days. And no one could figure out what was wrong with me. And the verbal abuse got worse. I would black out pretty much like at least once a week when my father was home. I was constantly told how worthless I am and how I was going to end up as a whore just like my sister. And that continued for about 2 years. When I moved to Tennessee I how other ways to escape it, but it didn’t help that much. Once my mom left my dad it got worse. He constantly blamed me. God how I just wanted to end it all but I wasn’t going to let him do what he did to me to my brother so I dealt with it. But once he left I stopped blacking out. I thought maybe I had outgrown it but I guess I haven’t.
Syn: Ok I still don’t understand why you blacked out now.
Me: Yeah it was pretty much the fact that I was trying to be prefect but it didn’t seem enough. Plus I just tend to take everything on my shoulders so yeah.
Syn: Oh ok.
Me: But that isn’t everything I need to tell you.
Syn: Ok, I am listening.
Me: Iamfallingforyou.
Syn: Ok now you need to slow down and repeat that.
Me: I am falling for you.

Syn just sat there and stared at me.

Me: I know you probably don’t even like me let alone feel anything for me but I had to tell you.
Syn: Sorry it isn’t anything like that but I thought you hated me?
Me: I hate Synyster.
Syn: Aren’t me and him the same person?
Me: No you aren’t. Synyster doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s feelings but Brian does.
Syn: Then why don’t you call me Brian?
Me: Because every time you show me Brian you always end up going back to being Syn. And the fact that I won’t be able to call you Brian until I can trust you completely.
Syn: So you are falling for me but you don’t trust me?
Me: Yeah that about sums it up.
Syn: And you hate my alter ego?
Me: As much of a turn on Syn is yes I hate him.
Syn: Why am I surprised you think Syn is a turn on?
Me: Because Syn is an ass and a cocky asshole. Besides as much as he turns me on I wouldn’t sleep with him.
Syn: Why not most girls wanna fuck Synyster Gates?
Me: Because I would just be a groupie if I slept with Mr. Gates. And besides my husband is so much sweeter.
Syn: You are one of the first girls who have ever told me that.
Me: Look I really care about you and I am not going to lie to you. There maybe some things I won’t tell you but I won’t lie to you.
Syn: I can deal that. But I hope you know you can tell me any thing. I won’t let anyone hurt you.
Me: Thanks that means a lot to me. And now I really need to sleep.
Syn: Cool. I am going down stairs to fix some lunch ok?
Me: Ok.

He went down stairs and I laid down in my bed. Around 3 pm my phone went off. So I picked it up and answered it.

Phone Convo
Me: Hello?
Person: Hello Jaz.
Me: Dad?
Dad (Jaz’s real father): Yes.
Me: What do you want?
Dad: I heard you got married to Synyster Gates.
Me: Yes I did what does that have to do with you?
Dad: I am in Cali and I am on my way to visit you. I will be there in about an hour and a half. See you soon.

He hung up and I screamed for Syn. He ran up the stairs and busted in the room.

Syn: What is wrong?
Me: My dad just called.
Syn: Marc called?
Me: No my real father called. I need you to call the guys and Rae and Rich please.
Syn: Why?
Me: He will be here at 4:30.
Syn: Ok I will.

By 4 all the guys and there girls where here and so where Rae and Rich. We were all just sitting around. Syn insisted that I sit on his lap so I was in his lap trying to calm down. And then someone started banging on the door.

Me: Matt, will you get that please.
Matt: Why me?
Me: Cuz you are the scariest no offense.
Matt: Fine.

Matt went and answered the door and we all were listening to what was being said.

Matt: Who are you?
Dad: I am Jasmine’s father.
Matt: No I met him. He is around 6’6”and doesn’t look like a damn bum.
Dad: Look I want to see my daughter now.
Matt: Hey Jaz, some guy is here saying he is your father should I let him in?
Syn: Matt let him in and stop being an ass.
Matt: Come on everyone is in here.

Matt and my dad walked into the living room and Matt sat down next to Val who is due in one week.

Dad: So I see you are still a whore.
Me: How am I a whore?
Dad: You just turned 18 and you are already married.
Me: That doesn’t make me a whore.
Dad: No, that makes you just like your mother.
Me: Nope, because my husband is so much better then you will ever be.
Dad: I taught you better then to talk back to me.

I got off of Syn’s lap and stood up in front of my father.

Me: What are you going to do? Hit me like you hit Jeanne. Come on. Hit me. I fucking dare you too. Come on show everyone what kind of man you really are. You are just a fucking...

At that point he decided to slap me across the face. All the guys stood up and started walking towards my father.

Me: No don’t. Just sit back down guys.
Syn: I am not just...
Me: Bri please.

With that all the guys sat back down.

Me: I knew you would eventually do that. You truly are weak.
Dad: Well by the looks of it I was right you will never amount to anything.
Me: That is were you are wrong. I may not have made it to college but I was accepted to every school I applied to. But even more then that I actually have people who love me. I didn’t scare them into it either. And besides at least I don’t have kids that I don’t take care of running around all over the US.
Rich: I think it is time you leave.
Dad: Richard I think your faggot ass needs to sit down. I am going to get what I deserve.
Matt: What you deserve is your ass beat to a bloody pulp.
Me: Guys stop. What do you want?
Dad: I want...