Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 15}

Dad: I want what you took from my family.
Me: What are you talking about?
Dad: You took his freedom.
Me: OMG you are talking about that. Shouldn’t you be telling him that he owes me for what he stole from me?
Dad: He never did what you accused him of. Because of you he is in jail. Because of you your uncle will never have grandchildren.
Me: I am so sorry that Ethan is in jail but he is where he belongs. He shouldn’t have done what he did.
Dad: You lying little bitch you lied at the trial he never touched you.
Me: Oh yeah he never snuck into my room and did things that no 11 year old should have happen to her. I lied about how he would force me to give him head. I lied about how you knew what he was doing but you never stopped it. I lost more then he ever will.

He smacked me across my face again.

Dad: Don’t lie like that.
Me: You know what fine you want payment for what I “took” fine. Matt, throw me that black messenger bag beside you.

Matt threw me my bag. And I pulled out my wallet and grabbed all the money in it and extended it to my father.

Me: Here you what payment take it. I don’t need it.
Dad: How did you earn this or did your rock star husband give it to you.
Me: I worked for every last cent and how I worked for it is none of your business I am 18 you can’t tell me what to do anymore. So take the money and leave me the hell alone.
Rich: Um I think you need to leave Ed.
Rae: Seriously you have caused enough damage.
Dad: I am leaving only because I caused the damage I wanted to and got what I came for. Have a nice life Jaz.

With that he walked out the door. Everyone but Rich and Rae were staring at me trying to figure out what happened.

Me: Can you stop staring at me please?
Matt: Why did you just let him hit you like that?
Me: Because for once in my life I got the better of him.
Val: Ok what was he talking about I am kind of confused?
Me: My cousin Ethan is in jail serving around 15 years in jail.
Rae: I think you need to go lay down. You are supposed to resting and we both know dealing with your father is anything but that.
Me: Fine. Thanks guys.

I walked upstairs and laid down when someone walked into the room.

Syn: Why didn’t you tell me?
Me: Because it is my past and my problem not yours.
Syn: I don’t like the fact that he hit you or that you kept something that big from me.
Me: What did you want me to do the day we got married be like “oh yeah by the way my cousin molested me and raped me for a year and a half”. I don’t think so. Besides I don’t like talking about it. So can we drop this subject please?
Syn: Ok one more thing. Why did you call me Brian earlier?
Me: That is easy you stood up for me. Not many people will do that and you did even though it isn’t your place to.
Syn: Yes it is Jaz. I am you husband and I hope I am your friend. But I will let you sleep. Sweet dreamz.

With that said he walked out of the room and closed the door. I waited till I heard him walk all the way downstairs and I started bawling my eyes out. *I can’t believe everyone knows now. I didn’t think I would ever have to deal with what happened again. But life seems to have different plans for...*

~A month later~

Things have been ok. Rich flew back to Chattanooga to transfer down here to be closer to me and Rae. Besides he met a really cute guy the other day. Rae started working and Zacky constantly bugs her at work. She will be starting college next semester. Val had a [Author’s Note: I don’t remember if I said what Val was having so whatever] beautiful baby boy that they named Jonathan Shadows Sanders. He is such a good baby. Val is getting her first day off where Matt and the boys are going to watch Jonathan so she can go out with us girls and have a spa day. It is going to be Rae, Hollie, Candice, Val, Becky and me.

~At the spa~

Hollie: Jaz, Rae this is Becky. She and Bri used to date.
Becky: It is nice to finally meet Bri’s wife.
Jaz: It is nice to meet you too. If you don’t mind me asking why did you and Syn break up?
Candice: I thought you were finally calling him Brian?
Becky: I don’t mind at all. We both realized that we weren’t in love with each other and decided that we should just be friends.
Me: Oh ok. And I was but he hasn’t been saying more then a few words to me since he found out about Ethan.
Val: Ok enough drama for today let’s relax.

About an hour later we decided to head our separate ways. So Rae dropped me back at the house and she went off to meet up with Zacky.

Me: I’m home.
Syn: Ok I am leaving bye.

He went to walk out the door when I grabbed his arm.

Me: Why won’t you talk to me?
Syn: What are you talking about I am talking to you?
Me: No, you say as little as you can and then find a reason to leave. I want to know what the hell is going on now. Right fucking now.
Syn: Nothing is wrong. I just have been busy with the band.
Me: Bull shit. All the guys keep telling me to keep you here more often so you will stop bugging the hell out of them. So don’t flipping lie to me.
Syn: Look I don’t wanna talk about it ok.
Me: No Syn it is not ok. I think you need to tell me right fucking now what is up your ass.
Syn: Oh so you are calling me Syn again I see.
Me: Don’t change the subject but yes I am. You aren’t acting like yourself and I want to know why.
Syn: You just don’t get it do you?
Me: I don’t get it or I wouldn’t be asking you why.
Syn: If you don’t get it you never will.

With that he walked out of the house.