Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 17}

I ended up at the beach so I took off my shoes and socks and at sat to where the high tide came up to my feet.

Me: God this is not how it is supposed to be.
Matt: Hey doll face.
Me: How did you come to find me Mattie?
Matt: Ah well Val and Michelle are having a girl/baby night thing and kicked me out so I went to Johnny’s and Hollie told me that he was with Bri since you decided to go MIA. So I took my ass to your and Bri’s house and Zacky and Rae were there actually Rae really wasn’t all there if you know what I mean. She kept mumbling about something. So they explain what was going on and I told Bri I would find you. And since you told me there are two things in the world that calm you down the sound of the ocean or music and there aren’t any parties tonight. I figured you found the beach so here I am.
Me: You are too smart for your own good.
Matt: Maybe I am. But you wanna tell me why you said what you said.
Me: Because this isn’t how my life is supposed to be Matt. I was supposed to be in college. I was never supposed to fall in love. But most of all I was supposed to control my life finally.
Matt: But what is wrong with the life you have?
Me: Nothing is wrong with it. But it isn’t want I dreamt about. Hell I figured when I got married the guy would at least like me. I also figured I wouldn’t have a blood stains on my dress. But that didn’t happen. I hoped you and the guys and girls and Brian mainly never had to find out about Ethan but that happened. And most of all I never in my life wanted to be this sorry.
Matt: What are you sorry about?
Me: Everything and more. I am sorry that I cause so much shit. I am sorry that didn’t tell Brian before my father showed up so he wouldn’t have been blind sighted. And most of all I am sorry that I am not even close to being good enough for Brian.
Matt: Why do you say that?
Me: Because Brian deserves someone who isn’t still dealing with her past or someone who isn’t afraid to kiss him or just be affectionate. He deserves some much more then I can give. He deserves someone who is perfect for him.
Brian: And what if I think that is you?

I turned around and instead of Matt I saw Brian and I couldn’t look at him. I don’t know what happened but I started crying my eyes out. Next thing I knew I was in his car heading towards the house. Once we got there he carried me in and up to the room and set me down so I could change. So I changed into black and white polka dotted girl boxers with a Hello Kitty image on them and a Cowboy From Hell Pantera shirt
After I changed I climbed into bed and Brian pulled me closer to him and I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
At five clock I heard my alarm go off and I just buried my head in the pillow. But Brian forced me to at least take my pill. And then he climbed back into bed and we went back to sleep.

Brian: Come on lazy ass get up.
Me: I don’t wanna.
Brian: Too bad it is time to wake up so you can eat the awesome food I made for breakfast or rather lunch but whatever I don’t cook often so wake up and sit up.

So I climbed out of my cocoon and sat up. Brian placed a tray on my lap and I started eating.

Brian: Jaz, I hope you know how much I ...