Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 18}

And all of a sudden there was a knock on the door well more like someone banging on the door.

Brian: I will right back.

He walked down stairs and went to answer the door. About 10 minutes later Bri comes up and tells me to get dressed because he wants me to meet a friend of his. And then he left the room so I got up and pulled on a long sleeved pink Mickey and Minnie shirt and some flared dark blue jeans and a black sock and a white sock.
And then ran down the stairs into the living room.

Brian: Hey finally.
Me: O shut up. I didn’t take that long you just don’t have any patience.
Brian: Whatever Robert this is my wife Jasmine A.K.A. Jaz.
Robert: Jasmine Walker???
Me: Yeah that is my maiden name why?
Robert: I can’t believe you don’t know who I am.
Me: Umm sorry I don’t have a very long term memory when it comes to people.
Robert: Oh, come on Jasmine. You know somewhere deep down who I am. First love and KRA.
Me: OMG no way!!!
Brian: Someone want to fill me in. Like now!
Robert: Jasmine and I go way back. Back when she first moved to Texas.
Me: We have a lot of history you could say.
Brian: History as in you guys were friends?
Me: Sure lets go with that.
Robert: Don’t lie it is bad for your soul. I was her first love. And she was the only person I knew at the time who actually cared if I lived or died. She used to spend hours on the phone with me making sure I didn’t do anything stupid because of Mandy.
Brian: What?
Me: It was a long time ago. It doesn’t matter anymore.
Robert: Yes it does. I have been trying to talk to you since you sent me that email.
Me: Look can we drop this. We have had enough drama and old memories being brought up lately.
Robert: Your dad and Joe?
Brian: Ok how did you know about that?
Robert: We told each other everything except for Jasmine not telling me she was in love with me until we stopped speaking.
Brian: You told him and you didn’t tell me and we are married.
Robert: Bri sorry to tell you this but your little Jasmine has a lot more skeletons then that in her closet don’t you?
Brian: Ok what is he talking about Jaz and why are you letting him call you Jasmine?
Robert: So I am taking it you haven’t told him why you only let me call you that???