Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part1}

*I can’t believe how much my life has changed since I graduated high school. I thought I would be on my way to college but instead I am on an airplane heading towards my husband. I guess I should explain a little. I am Jasmine Walker if you call me Jasmine I will personally kick your ass. Anyways the day after I graduated from High School my parents informed me that I was getting married. And that I would soon be meeting my future husband.*

~~ Flashback~~
2:30 pm on Friday June 10

Rae: “Jaz, I am going to take a shower.”
Jaz: “Uhhh whatever. Leave me alone I am trying to sleep.”

10 minutes later there was a knock on the door

Jaz: I am coming.

I opened the door and then
laid back down on the couch and I heard people sitting down and the door close.

30 minutes later
The door opened

Mom: Jaz, why are you sleeping and where is Rae?
Jaz: Come on can people not let me sleep today. And Rae is in the shower.
Rae: I would be out if you would have heard me ask for some clothes.
Jaz: Whatever.

I stood up and walked into my room and grabbed an outfit for Rae and threw them into the bathroom. And then I went and laid in my bed.

Rae: Jaz, do you know who is in the living room????
Jaz: Not really and I don’t care either.
Rae: Come look.

She then proceeded to drag me out of bed and into the living room.

*Avenged Sevenfold was sitting in my living room*

Jaz: Mom, Mark come with me, please.

I then walked into my room followed my parents and closed the door after they walked in.

Jaz: Mom, why is A7X in our house?????
Mom: Who?
Mark: Jaz, what are you talking about?
Jaz: Oh come on.

I grabbed on of my posters off my wall and walked into the living room.

Jaz: Look this is A7X. Come on I love this band. I talked about wanting to see them in concert all the time.
Syn: Oh so are you another one of those fans who just likes us because we are so hot?
Jaz: Uhhh yea I just like you guys because Matt is smoking hot, no offense Val. I don’t know anything about you guys. Oh wait I do. Let’s see, Matt is married to Val and they are expecting their first child in 3 months [I am making this up as a part of the story]. Johnny is the bassists and didn’t join the band until later. He goes by Johnny Christ. Zacky is the rhythm guitarist and has his own clothing line which uses the number 6661 which is 1999 backwards and upside down I think. 1999 is when Zacky and Matt formed Avenged Sevenfold. Jimmy plays drums and goes by Rev for short I would say the whole name but I can’t say it right. And of course you are the big bad Synyster Gates otherwise know as Brian Haner Jr. And you are lead guitarist. Now I could continue but I want to sleep. Wait who am I marrying?
Mom: Brian.
Jaz: Just great. Life hates me.
~~End Flashback~~

*Things went downhill from there. I dreamt of my dream wedding for years but for the most part I got it except the fact that my dress has blood on it. I guess I should explain that too huh?*

At the Reception around 9 o clock

Jaz: I can’t believe he is smashed within 20 minutes of getting here then again he was drinking before the wedding started.
Charles: I am going to be right back ok?
Rae: Ok

5 minutes later

Syn: Who the fuck do you think you are telling me how to deal with my wife?
Charles: I am just trying…
*Syn hit Charles in the nose*
~~End Flashback~~

*That is why I have blood on my dress. Oh I should tell you who Charles is he is my ex whois married to my friend Ash. They are excepting their 2nd child which is why Ash couldn’t come. My flight is landing so Syn better be here. I am so tired.*