Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 19}

Me: Do you not know when to shut the hell up?
Robert: Not really. But come on Jasmine you haven’t told him?
Brian: I would like to know what the hell he knows that I don’t.
Me: Brian, can you please shut up for a minute?
Robert: I see you still have your attitude.
Me: Didn’t you know me not answering your messages and calls tell you that maybe just maybe I wanted nothing to do with you anymore?
Robert: Not really.
Me: Well how about I put it in your terms. I want nothing to do with you. I strongly dislike you. I hope you die. Forget anything and everything we talked about because I did a long time ago.
Robert: Now Jasmine who are you kidding you still think about it.
Me: What makes you say that?
Robert: The shit you write.
Me: I don’t know what you are talking about.
Brian: What the hell are you two talking about? What writing and since when do you write?
Me: Brian, just hold on a minute. And my writing hasn’t been put out since before we started talking.
Robert: Myspace Hun.
Me: OMG I knew someone was visiting my page way too often. Why the hell would you look at my blogs? That seems a bit stalkerish to me.
Brian: OK someone tell me what the hell you two are talking about NOW.
Me: Brian, if you keep yelling we are going to have a problem. NOW shut up and sit the fuck down. And I will tell you in a few minutes ok? OK.
Robert: I thought your mom sent you to classes for that.
Me: For what?
Robert: For your short temper.
Me: There isn’t a damn thing wrong with my temper.
Robert: I’m not saying there is just stating that you have a short fuse.
Me: You know what. Get the hell out. Go away. Shoo fly stop bugging me.
Robert: All right but I will be back count on that.

With that, he left and I plopped down in one of the chairs.

Brian: Now will you explain what the hell just went on?
Me: You aren’t going to let it go till I do are you?
Brian: Not a chance in hell.
Me: Fine if you wanna know I will tell you but just remember you wanted to know. When I first moved to Texas, I was always on myspace. Well as it happened, Robert was a friend of my friend Jessie and he like my profile. So we started talking on myspace then started talking on yahoo. And I pretty much told him everything. Then his girlfriend accused my cousin of raping her and my sister kicked his girlfriends ass and that ended our friendship.
Brian: Ok why does he get to call you Jasmine?
Me: He is the reason no one is allowed to call me that.
Brian: I just don’t get why.
Me: Because most call me Jaz anyways. But he refused to call me that. He said Jasmine is too beautiful not to use. And it reminds me of the feeling I have for him when I hear it. So until I fully completely love and trust the man I love no one is allowed to call me that except for a few family members.
Brian: Ooook. And one last question what did he mean when he said you have a lot of skeletons in your closet?
Me: Look I have a lot of things in my past that maybe three people no about and even then they don’t know everything. I really don’t want to talk about it at the moment but I promise one day I will tell you every thing ok?
Brian: Ok I understand.

Robert is your typical emo guy. Black hair in the emo cut with snake bites and a anti eyebrow piercing and plae skin and brown eyes, 6’