Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 20}

3 weeks later

Me: Brian, get your ass up! Now!
Bri: Go a way.
Me: My appointment is in 30 minutes and you promised you would take me. Don’t make me call Papa Gates.
Bri: Fine. Fine, I am up. Happy now? And calling my dad that is so childish.
Me: I don’t care how childish it is. It got you up didn’t it? Now get dressed breakfast is downstairs.

I walked downstairs so he could get dressed and so I could finish his breakfast.

15 minutes later
Me: Brian come on. I can’t miss this appointment. The shrink doesn’t wait on anyone. Including you.
Bri: Shut up woman. I am coming. I still don’t see why you need to go see that crazy people doctor.
Me: Because of you. You drive me insane.

An hour later
Back at the house

Bri: I am never doing that again. That dude didn’t like me one bit.
Me: Brian I think he liked you until you started freaking his patients out. I think you caused at least 2 panic attacks within just 10 minutes.
Bri: I think that is some record.
Me: I am so taking Johnny from now on. By the way where have they been lately. I keep being stuck with you. I haven’t seen any of them in over 2 weeks.
Bri: Oh, they are working on something.
Me: And why doesn’t that sound innocent to me. And I am bored and Zacky isn’t here to entertain me.
Bri: I am sure he will love to hear you only hang out with him to be entertained.
Me: Well no, I do not. There are plenty of reasons to hang out with him.
Bri: Like what?
Me: Like the fact, he is awesome, sweet, funny, and he follows Rae around like a lost puppy.
Bri: He does do that a lot. But what is wrong with just hanging out with me?
Me: Nothing is wrong but it seems suspicious.
Bri: Well look why don’t you go take a nap and then in about 3 hours, I will wake you up and you can get ready?
Me: Ready for what?
Bri: It is a secret can’t tell ya.
Me: You suck.

After my “nap” and getting ready