Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 21}

Me: Brian, I hate the blindfold thing.
Bri: Too, damn bad. It is a secret and you can’t see it until I say so.
Me: Fine then I don’t want to see it.
Bri: Liar. You want to know what we have all been hiding from you as much as we want to show you. Now shut it and be patient .
Me: Fine.

So we got in the car and Brian drove for about 15 minutes and then he helped me outta the car and walked for about 3 minutes.

Bri: Ready?
Me: As ready as I can be.
Bri: Fine then I won’t take the blindfold off.
Me: Ok Bri please I can’t wait to see.
Bri: Are you sure?
Me: Brian just show me the damn thing already.
Bri: Ok.

He takes the blindfold off and I see the most gorgeous house I have ever seen.

Me: Ok why am I looking at a house?
Bri: Welcome to our new home?
Me: Why would you buy another house?
Bri: Because that house was mine, this one is ours.
Me: Still don’t get it.
Bri: I realized that the old house wasn’t yours in any way shape or form. All my shit was in it. Here it isn’t about one of us. It is about both of us.
Me: Awww let me guess Rae told you what I said.
Bri: Yeah but I kinda figured it out before she told me.
Me: But what does this have to do with all the guys not being around?
Bri: They have been getting the place ready for us to move into. And the girls wanted to make it “pretty” or something like that.
Me: You let them run around decorating?
Bri: Yeah, why?
Me: Have you seen it yet?
Bri: No, why?
Me: Can we see the inside now?
Bri: Ok if you want to know we can.

So we walked into the new house and all the guys and girls were standing there waiting for us.

Johnny: So what do you think?
Jaz: I am not sure yet.
Bri: She loves it.
Rae: Bri I wouldn’t say that just yet.
Val: True. Women are rather hard to please.
Matt: Are you two trying to freak Brian out or help him?
Rae & Val: We are just stating the facts.
Zacky: Why is she not saying anything?
Rae: She is in shock. Duh.
Candice: Well let’s show them the rest.
Richard: Come on Jaz let’s go see the rest of the house.

*He brought a house just because the other one was his not ours. Maybe he isn’t so bad. But why is my head telling me not to trust him just yet. I mean what else can he do to hurt me?*

Rae’s POV
Me: Jaz are you paying attention??
Jaz: Not really but you don’t want to know that do you? Just like you didn’t want Zacky to know that, you like him but are afraid of telling him because he could have any girl he wants.
Richard: Not again.
Bri: Not again what?
Me: She is in one of those states where if someone says anything she can’t lie. She is in a dazed state.
Bri: So if I ask her anything she has to be honest with me?
Me: Trust us you really don’t want to ask her anything right now.
Richard: You will hear a lot of things you don’t want to know. She is hurtfully blunt. She made her mom cry once.
Jimmy: She made her mom cry? What the hell can that little squirt do to make someone cry?
Jaz: James Sullivan, just because I don’t look like the Jolly Green Giant doesn’t make me a squirt and plus squirt is an awesome ass turtle on Finding Nemo.
Me: Jaz, why don’t you go lie down for a little while?
Jaz: Because I already took a nap. Brian slash my new mommy made me take one.
Hollie: Why is she like this?
Richard: She gets like this when she has a lot on her mind. Pretty much she is too busy thinking to pay attention to what is coming out of her mouth.
Me: Seriously, it isn’t a fun thing to deal with
Bri: I say we play Truth then.
Me: That really isn’t a good idea Brian.
Bri: Let’s vote. Who all wants to play truth?

Matt, Brian, Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy all raise their hands.

Jimmy: We win let’s play.
Richard & Me: Fine but if you get your feelings hurt don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Jimmy: Jaz do you want to play Truth?
Jaz: Jimmy, of course, I want to play a game that lets people with lower IQs kind of like you get their kicks.
Jimmy: I am going to let that one slide.
Johnny: All right let’s go into the living room.

So we all walked into the living room and sat down.

Matt: Me first. Jaz, what do you really think of our music?
Jaz: I love the vocals and the drums are awesome but the guitar sounds like you are trying to be like other bands. Plus it seems like you guys are trying to hard to please people and be like Pantera or Guns n Roses.
Jimmy: Damn that is harsh. But my turn. Jaz, why is it that you don’t talk to me like you do the rest of the boys?
Jaz: Because you have your head stuck up your own ass. Plus you are way to damn tall.
Johnny: Hahaha someone agrees with me. My turn. Jaz what do you think about me?
Jaz: These questions are annoying and you rock. I plan on taking you with me to my appointments because dumbass can’t stop scaring people long enough to pay attention. And some times I wish I was arranged to marry you instead, no offense Hollie.
Hollie: None taken.
Bri: Well that is a really eye opener. Why do you feel like that?
Jaz: I feel like that because...
Richard: Ok that is enough of this game. Jaz go take a nap.
Jaz: Fine.

Jaz walked out of the room and up the stairs.

Richard: I am going to make sure she goes into the right room.

With that said Richard walked out of the room and after Jaz.

Bri: What the hell?
Me: Brian, you are messing with fire. You can’t hold her accountable for the things she says when she is like this.
Bri: Why the hell not? She just told us that she rather be married to Johnny then me.
Val: Bri, you guys should have just left her alone and this wouldn’t have happened.
Bri: I am sorry that this is the only way that I can find out...
Jaz: I SAID WHAT???????????!!!!!!!
Me: Well she is back to normal.

Jaz’s POV

Richard: Damn Jaz that shit down there wasn’t right?
Me: Richard, what the hell are you talking about?
Richard: So you are back now. You went into another dazed state.
Me: What did I say this time?
Richard: You told Zacky about Rae liking him. You told Jimmy he looked like the Jolly Green Giant and that he has his head stuck up his ass. And you told Matt what you really thought about their music.
Me: Is that it?
Richard: You also said that sometimes you wish you rather be married to Johnny then Brian.
Me: I SAID WHAT???????????!!!!!!!
Richard: Calm down.
Me: I told my husband that I wish I was married to one of his best friends and you want me to calm the fuck down. How the hell can I calm down????
Richard: I am going to go back downstairs and let you think for a little bit alright?
Me: Fine whatever.

Richard went downstairs.

*OMG I can’t believe I told them that. Yeah sometimes it is true but I didn’t want Bri to know that. I am so stupid. I hate the fact I am completely honest when I am thinking to hard.*

Bri: Mind if I join you?
Me: If I were you I wouldn’t want to but if you want to then go ahead.
Bri: I am guessing Richard told you everything you said earlier.
Me: Yeah about that I am sorry.
Bri: What do you have to be sorry about?
Me: The fact that I said that sometimes I rather be married to Johnny.
Bri: Jaz, I don’t want you to ever be sorry for saying what you truly feel. No matter how I am going to feel. I want to know that we have no secrets. And you shouldn’t be sorry I should.
Me: Why should you be sorry?
Bri: Because I really must not be a good husband if you wish you were married to someone else. I mean I know that sometimes I am not the best person to deal with but I didn’t know I was that bad.
Me: Brian it isn’t that. It just gets really hard. You never know if you should just be Brian or be Syn.
Bri: I can’t help that I have an alter ego. I am trying to deal with it. But I still don’t see what is so damn special about being Brian.
Me: That is your problem. You don’t see what the rest of us see do you? Do you want to know what I see when I am actually with the real you?
Bri: Please fucking enlighten me.
Me: I see someone who would go through hell for his friends. Someone who has a big ass heart and someone who truly cares about people.
Bri: While I hate to disappoint you but Brian isn’t that great.
Me: Come here.

I pulled Brian up to the mirror beside the dresser.

Me: Tell me what you see.