Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 22}

Bri: I see someone who was nothing. Who is still nothing. I see how stupid I was to be him all those years. I see all the people who walked all over me when I was just Brian. And most of all the person I swore I never wanted to be again.
Me: Brian look at me. I don’t see how you can see those things. I look at you when you are truly you and I am so damn amazed. You are not fucking Synyster Gates. You are a truly talented musician. You are a great friend and most of all you are the guy that I am hopeless in fucking love with.
Me: Brian I am not asking you to be anyone you aren’t I am asking you to be who you really are. Forget the fucking fans and the fucking fame. You could have had that without Syn. But if you can’t see that now you probably never will.

I walked out of the room and out of the house past all the guys. I took off into the woods and once I was far enough I sat down and started to cry.

*I am in fucking love with him. But he can’t stop being Syn long enough to see that. I am done with the crying and all this bullshit.*

I stop crying and got off the ground and realized what needed to be done.

October 31, 2007
Richard’s POV

Me: Brian, please calm the fuck down.
Bri: I can’t calm down my wife has been missing for the past month!
Rae: Brian you aren’t making this any easier for yourself or anyone else.
Matt: We are going on tour in a few days you really need to pull yourself together.
Val: Matt what the hell would you do if I took off?
Matt: Go crazy.
Val: There you go.
Matt: But Syn isn’t in love with her. Man you aren’t are you?
Bri: Don’t FUCKING call me Syn. And would it be so bad if I was?
Rae: GUYS we need to stop this now. Jaz is acting stupid but I am sure I know why she did this. But Bri you need to finish getting ready to go on tour. I promise by the time you come back me and Richard will have found her. Ok now go.
Bri: Fine.

Matt and Brian walked out of Rae’s apartment.

Val: Rae, are you sure you know where she will be?
Me: Val, trust us we will have her here when you all get back ok?
Val: Alright but please call me and let me know what is going on. This tour is going to be hell as it is.
Val: COMING DUMBASS. Bye guys.
Me & Rae: Have fun.

Val and the guys left to go finish packing.

Me: Rae how the hell are we going to find her?
Rae: Well I haven’t been totally honest with you.
Me: You know where she is don’t you?
Rae: Well I don’t know where she is but I have talked to her a few times.
Me: Why the hell didn’t you tell me?
Rae: She didn’t want anyone to know. She just wanted to see how everyone was doing.
Me: Well we are just peachy.
Rae: I told her how Brian was and she said that he would get over it. She kept saying that if Brian truly loved her the way she loves him he would know what he had to do to get her back.
Me: Can we tell him so that he knows she is alive?
Rae: Do whatever. She’ll be pissed that I told you as it is.

So I picked up the phone and called Brian.

Phone Convo

Bri: Hello.
Me: Hey Brian it is Richard. I wanted to let you know something.
Bri: What is it?
Me: Jaz called Rae a few times.
Bri: Well then where the hell is she?
Me: Rae doesn’t know that. But Jaz would tell her was that you should know what you have to do to get her back.
Bri: I have no... Wait shit that is it?
Me: I guess so.
Bri: Alright I guess I have a lot of thinking and planning to do. Thanks so much and tell Rae I am so thankful for the info but I am still mad she didn’t tell me before.
Me: Will do.

With that he hung up.

Rae: So?
Me: Brian said he knew what he has to do and he has a lot of thinking and planning to do. He is glad we told him but he is still pissed at you for not telling him sooner.
Rae: Well tough meatballs for him. Jaz is going to be pissed at me for telling you anyways. Why not make the whole couple angry.
Me: So I guess this means life is going to be back to normal.
Rae: Life is never normal when you have Jaz in your life.