Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 24}

December 1, 2007
Jaz’ POV

*God I hope Brian doesn’t take much longer. I miss him so damn much. Plus I really want to go home and stop living here.*

Me: I can’t believe you got us tickets to see Avenged Sevenfold in concert tonight.
Alicia: Come on girl. I live in Austin I can get tickets to see any concert. Plus you deserve to get to see your lover boy after so long.
Me: True but I love my daughter so much more.
Alicia: I am glad, Momma Jaz.
Me: Alright let’s go get ready.
Alicia: Hell yeah.

~3 hours later Alicia and I were inside La Zona Rosa’s waiting to get in to see A7X in concert.~

Matt walks out to the front of the stage and grabs the mic as the rest of the guys file onto the stage.

Matt: I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!!!
Matt: ALRIGHT QUIET THE HELL DOWN. Since this is live on MTV tonight our lead guitarist has something he wants to say.

Brian leaps forward and takes Matt’s mic.

Bri: ALRIGHT QUIET. Now I want to let a certain Jasmine Walker slash Haner who I know is watching somewhere out there tonight know something I should have told her a long damn time ago. I LOVE YOU. I don’t care about the fame or the fans, no offense guys I love ya’ll we wouldn’t be where we are without you. But anyways Jaz, I am coming to you as Brian not Syn this time and asking you to come back fucking home.

Alicia pushed me up on the bar where Brian could see me and handed me a mic. And right as Matt was getting ready to take the mic back.

Bri: What the hell?
Me: You really mean that or are you just doing that because you know that is what I wanted you to do?
Bri: I mean it with all my heart.
Me: Good cuz I am wanna come fucking home.
Matt: Alright we are fucking holding up the damn concert because of you two lovebirds. Jaz meet Val at the door after the damn concert.

After the concert Alicia and I walked to the bus and found Val. I was developed into a bone crushing hug.

Me: Val, I can’t fucking breath.
Val: Sworry. But I missed you.

She let me go and we all got on the bus to wait for the guys.

Me: Val, this is Alicia, a friend from high school.
Val: Nice to meet you, Alicia.
Alicia: It is nice to finally meet Momma Jaz’s new friends that “replaced” us.
Me: Babe, I couldn’t replace anyone of ya’ll from Troy. No matter how much I wished I could sometimes.
Alicia: Not nice.
Bri: Since when is she ever nice?
Alicia: She was nicer when she was going to school with me.
Bri: Well then she needs to go back.
Me: Val, why are they talking like I am not ever in the room?
Alicia: Cuz I know it annoys the hell out of you and why he is doing it I have no clue.
Bri: I am because I can.
Alicia: You do know that if you ever hurt my Momma I will skin you alive right?
Bri: No, I didn’t know that.
Alicia: Well you do now. So consider yourself warned. Bye I have to go make Elfie feel better; she has the flu.
Me: Tell Elfie that I hope she gets better.
Alicia: I will. You should call her sometime she misses her Momma too.
Me: I will do that but there is some shit I have to take care of first.
Alicia: Alright. Oh can I get you to sign this notebook please?
Bri: Sure.

Brian signed Alicia’s notebook and she came and gave me and hug then she left.

Val: I am going to go take the guys out to eat at the café we heard so much about.

And Val left and Brian just stood at the doorway staring at me.

Me: Can you stop staring at me please?
Bri: No, I can’t. Sorry.
Me: Why the hell not?
Bri: Because if I do you’d probably disappear again.
Me: So I guess you didn’t like my disappearing act? Damn I thought it would be a big hit.
Bri: Only with your mom. She thought it was funnier the hell. And so did your uncles of course after they stopped threating to remove all my bodily organs.
Me: Sounds like my family.
Bri: So why did you do it?
Me: Brian you have to understand.
Bri: Explain it to me please. You owe me at least that.
Me: Alright well I left because....