Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 3}

Everyone left and I walked up stairs to find Syn’s room.

*I can’t believe I have to share a room. Even though he has multiple rooms I still have to share.*

I found the room and noticed Syn peacefully sleeping.

*I have to admit he does look cute… Wait I did not just say that.*

I didn’t want to disturb him so I grabbed a sports bra and some shorts and went into the master bathroom to change.Then I walked down stairs and into walked into the living room.

and grabbed my cds out of my messenger bag

Then into the exercise room.

and put in a mixed CD and worked out till 10 am. Then after about 10 minutes of cooling down I went into the kitchen. I started cooking some breakfast.

20 minutes later

Syn: What are you doing?
Me: It looks like I am cooking you breakfast. By the way we need to go shopping.
Syn: Why the hell would we do that? We can just order out.
Me: Do you ever listen to anyone but yourself?
Syn: Ok I probably don’t so want to fill me in why?
Me: Uh because I have to watch what I eat. I can’t have too much sugar or fat in what I eat. Besides I prefer to cook then to eat take out.
Syn: Ok whatever. So I guess I should get to know you huh?
Me: I don’t care.
Syn: Ok what is your favorite color?
Me: I have 3. Black, baby blue, and blood red.
Syn: Ok. What is your favorite movie?
Me: Again I have more then one. Most Johnny Depp movies and the Harry Potter movies and a lot of musicals and some others.
Syn: Why are you so cold? Who screwed you up so bad that you refuse to let people know who you are? What were you raped or beat as a kid? Did your daddy not love you or something?
Me: I do not I repeat do not want to talk about it so from now on just leave me the hell alone ok.