Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 5}

Me: Hey Val, do you know what time it is?
Val: Um it is like 4:15 why?
Me: OMG my food.

I ran into the kitchen and pulled the ham out of the oven.

Me: Yummy.
Val: What is yummy?
Me: Dinner. Can you tell the guys that dinner is ready?
Val: Sure.

Val left to get the boys and I put the ham and mashed potatoes on the table. Then went to the fridge and got out a yogurt and Ceaser salad and a bottle of water.

Val: Jaz, this looks so good. Why do you cook all the time if you aren’t going to eat it?
Me: Because I love to cook but I try and stick to my food plan as much as possible.

They all sat down and started to eat.

Johnny: Jaz, can I ask you a question?
Me: You just did but ok.
Johnny: Why are you so calm?
Me: What do you mean?
Zacky: Well you don’t ever seem to get angry and depressed. I thought you had manic depression?
Me: I do but I am not going to let the fact that I can be really emotional affect my life forever that would be stupid.
Matt: So how do you stay so positive? I mean you just went along with the arranged marriage. You didn’t throw a fit or act like a little kid either. You just stayed calm well until you know we kept waking you up to find out where the bathroom was.
Me: Because it makes things easier. I figured it would happen.
Val: Why did you figure that?
Me: I believe that love is a waste of time no offense to you and Matt. I just don’t want to ever let anyone that close to me. Besides I think most guys are ignorant.
Matt: None taken but why don’t you believe in love? I thought all girls did.
Me: See that is the thing I am defiantly not normal and like most girls. Besides think about it love is about trusting someone and I don’t trust anyone especially males. Most people find it hard to gain my trust so it is easier just to deal with those who already have it.