Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 6}

(Later that night)
*Man I can’t believe how many questions they ask. But I guess since I am part of the “family” they want to get to know me. I can’t wait till to tomorrow. Val invited me to a girls’ day with her, Hollie and Candice.*

Syn: Why are you always in my way?
Me: My god you really are a snob aren’t you?
Syn: What makes you think that?
Me: The fact that you act like I am such a burden and you got stuck with me. Well news flash you aren’t the only one who doesn’t like this.

I went to walk away but Syn grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall.

Syn: Why the hell can’t you just speak your damn mind? Do you ever speak your mind or are you a mindless little girl? You always walk away.
Me: Just because I don’t run around saying what I think doesn’t make me mindless. I just prefer to keep to myself it makes life easier for everyone.
Syn: Not for me. I mean come on I know I piss you off so come on show me that infamous temper I have heard about.
Me: I think you need to back off.
Syn: Not until you tell me what the hell is your problem.
Me: You really wanna know. Fine. You are my damn problem.

I pushed him off of me. And walked next to the kitchen and turned around and faced him.

Me: You act like you are the only one you had to give up sometime. You gave up your single lifestyle and some closet space. I gave up my life. I gave up my damn dreams. My plans went down the damn drain so I could act like a proper wife to your snobby ass. I am sorry if getting married wasn’t in your plans but it sure wasn’t in mine. I was going to college. I was going to finally have my freedom. But no, I had to get married. But that means nothing to you right. It doesn’t matter what I say or do you have to act like you have a stick up your ass. I have tried being nice. I have done everything I know to make you happy but all you seem to do is bitch. I am sorry if I am such an inconvenience in your life but get over it. You are not better then me so stop looking down your damn nose at me. I am just as smart and talented as you. I may not make the kind of money you do or have millions of fans but I am damn proud of who I am. So next time you decide to act like you are better then me remember most people I meet like me for me not because I am in a band or famous.

With that said I walked off into the kitchen to finished cleaning up