Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 7}

~The next day at Val’s with Hollie and Candice~

Val: Jaz, what happened after we left? Bri seemed pissed off this morning when he came over and none of the guys knew why.
Me: He says that don’t speak my mind. Then he told me that he wanted to see my “infamous temper” he heard about.
Hollie: Yea, Johnny told me you are supposed to have a really bad temper.
Candice: Jimmy too.
Val: Your parents told us to be careful around you because you are known for flipping off at people.
Me: My god I can’t believe them. I got into a few fights because someone pissed me off and I have a temper that is stupid.
Hollie: How many fights and did you ever lose?
Me: No and probably once a month for 7 months if that. I just have a low tolerance for stupidity.
Candice: So other then that are you and Bri getting along?
Me: Not really he keeps acting like an ass to me. He knows how to push my buttons.
Val: He really is a sweet guy. You just have to try and get him to open up.
Me: Maybe.
Hollie: So do you have any tattoos?
Me: No, I want one but I can’t find a decent tattoo artist.
Candice: I know one if you want to now?
Me: Sure. If you guys want to go?
Val: Let’s go.

~At the tattoo shop~

Dude 1: Hey Candice, you back for another tat?
Candice: Nope. My friend Jaz wants one.
Dude1: Hey Jaz, I am Clay. If you pick out want you want we will do this.
Me: Ok I want this one.
Clay: Where do you want it?

(I showed Val and the girls what I was getting.)

Me: Umm on my upper back on my shoulders.
Clay: Ok.
Val: Oh that is going to be sweet as hell.
Hollie: Bri will love it.
Candice: You have good taste.

(5 hours later)
(Syn just walked in the door and I have been back for about 2 hours.)

Syn: So what did you guys do?
Me: Oh this and that.
Syn: Like what gossip?
Me: Yes then we went to Clay’s Tattoo and Piercing place.
Syn: What for?
Me: To whore around.
Syn: Ha-ha very funny. Seriously what did ya’ll go there for?
Me: I got a tattoo.
Syn: Let me see.
Me: Ok.

I pulled my shirt off and covered my front with it.

Me: This.
(Colorful angel wings (Colors: purple, red, blue and aqua))