Arranged to Marry a Guitar God

Arranged to Marry a Guitar God {Part 8}

Syn: That is sweet. Who did it?
Me: Clay, he is a friend of Candice’s.
Syn: Sweet. Well I am going to go and get a snack. You want anything.
Me: As much as I’d like to I need to go to bed. So I will see you in the morning k?
Syn: Ok, sure.

I went upstairs and changed into

And set my alarm for 5 like normal
(Friday morning {the next morning})

I woke up and didn’t hear my alarm so I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it read 12:30. *What the hell I know I set it last night. What the hell.* I ran down stairs and found Syn and the boys and their counterparts in the kitchen.

Me: Syn, why the hell didn’t my alarm go off?
Syn: I turned it off. I don’t see why you get up so early anyways.
Me: You turned off my alarm, you idiot. I have to take my meds at the same time everyday. Do you not think?
Zacky: Nice outfit, Jaz.
Me: Shut up, Zacky. Syn, you can’t fuck with my alarm ok.

I went and took my pills. [Author’s note: In case I didn’t tell you Jaz takes medications every morning at 5 and she is anal about her shedule.]

Val: Are you ok you look a little pale?
Me: I will be hopefully. I haven’t ever taken my pills late.
Matt: Why do you take pills anyways?
Me: I am pre diabetic and I have high blood pressure and for my depression.
Syn: I am sorry. I didn’t know.
Me: That is because you never listen to anyone but your damn self. Why the hell did you think I got up at 5 for? I don’t do it for pleasure. I do it because it has been my routine since I was like 15.
Syn: I don’t know I am sorry. Damn can’t you just accept that?
Me: No I can’t because I have told you so many times that I have to take my pills. I told you that was why I can’t drink.

All of a sudden someone started banging on the door.

Hollie: I’ll get it.

Hollie walked out and opened the door and she walked back in.

Hollie: Jaz, I think your friends are here. They are waiting in the living room for you.
Me: OMG, you guys stay here.
Matt: Why?
Me: They don’t know who I married yet.
Syn: You didn’t tell them?
Me: Hell no.

I walked out into the living room. Only to be knocked on my ass by Jason and Dee.

Me: Um … I … Can’t… Breathe!
Jason: Sorry.

They got off of me and helped me up.

Jason: So do we get to meet the mystery husband yet?
Dee: And I want to see the wedding pictures?
Jason: That too.
Me: Ok but you have to promise not to scream, faint, or jump on anyone ok?
Dee: We will be on our best behavior. Promise.
Jason: Yeah I promise.
Me: Ok follow me.

I lead them into the kitchen where the guys where at.

Me: Dee, Jason, meet my husband Syn and his friends Matt and his wife Val, Zacky, Johnny and his girlfriend Hollie, and Jimmy and his girlfriend Candice.
Dee: Jaz Marie Walker, why in hell didn’t you tell us you got married to the lead guitarist of Avenged?
Jason: OMG. You whore you should have told us. I mean come on you got married to the second hottest dude from the band!
Me: Calm down. I know I wanted to surprise you guys. And if Syn is the second hottest J then who is the hottest?
Jason: OMG, I have told you that like a million times. Johnny Christ is duh.
Dee: Ewww no offense but I thought that Zacky was.
Val: Damn and I thought that Matt was.
Me: Hahaha ya’ll are a trip.
Jason: Baby, I love the outfit but I am not drunk enough to want to see your ass this early.
Me: Oh shit sorry. I will be back in 10 minutes k?
Everyone: Ok

I went up stairs and quickly took a 15 minute shower then put on

Then I ran back down stairs and into the kitchen.

Jason: Damn, I love the shirt.
Dee: Hold up turn around now.

I turned around.

Jason: What is that?
Me: It is a tattoo. Which reminds me, can someone come with me and put on the bandage and stuff on it?
Syn: I will. I have to go change anyways.
Me: Ok.

We went upstairs and into the room. I turned around and took off my shirt and laid on the bed. Then he put the medicine on it and taped on the bandage.

Me: Thanks.
Syn: No prob. I am going to change.
Me: K I will meet you back down stairs?
Syn: Sure.

With that done I went back downstairs to be hounded by Jason and Dee in the living room.