Venom and Hope

Chapter one

"So" Tyler said as he sat us all down in a kinda pow wow type circle. He was always in the center, but then again, the rest of us never had anything productive to say anyways. "How do you all feel about going on the Taste of Chaos tour? We got an offer today and I think it'll be good publicity for the new album."

I rolled my eyes. Another stupid tour with stupid bands who go around acting all tough but sing about killing themselves cause a girl broke up with them. I could tell that Jazz felt the same way. She had that "yourejokingright?" look on her face. She seemed to have that look on a lot lately.

"And who exactly is gonna be on this tour?"

"I'm not really sure yet, but bands like the Used and My Chem I think are booked."

I winced at the second band name. "No way! Id rather eat my own arm then go on tour with them!"

"But they're big right now, I really think that this would be a really good idea."

"But I don't like them!" Then Jackson threw a drumstick at me. I threw it back, but missed and hit Katrina, who then started to shout profane words at me. But I just shrugged them off, she was always like this in the morning. Super cranky.

Tyler held his head in his hands; he seemed to always have a headache when he was around us. "As your manager I strongly feel you should go on this tour, no matter how much you hate people, plus you can get really good publicity."

"I don't really care what we do." Stupid Jackson, he never had an opinion. Then again he is the drummer; his brains are way too scrambled to think right.

"Isn't there some other way to get publicity, cant we just rob a bank or.. I know! Jackson could date Pairs Hilton!" I nodded. Jazz always had a way to make retarded things less ridiculously retarded. (If that made any sense at all)

Tyler was reaching his breaking point. It was kinda fun to watch him squirm. "I don't even remember why you have a problem with MCR."

I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, how could you forget that year? "Its more him than the band, but still."

"Oh yeah, you and Gerard were all hot and heavy until you decided to grow up and quit. But you left him, so what's your problem?"

I glared at him. This was the last thing I wanted to talk about. "I only left so he could fix himself too, I told him to call me if he wanted to get back together if he got sober, but then he got all famous and forgot about little old me." Saying that out load only made me madder.

Tyler started to laugh. Can you believe that?! There was nothing funny about this whole thing. "Roz, that's a personal problem, remember we don't let personal get in the way of the band. That's a rule."

"I don't remember that one"

"Well its there. And why do you still care about that, it was like a year ago?"

Katrina smiled. She could never find good, relationship worthy men, so naturally she made fun of us who couldn't let those things go. "Gerard's the only man who never called Roz back."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "I'm signing you all up for the tour, Roz I'm sorry but you are just going to have to deal with it."


"And maybe getting over it isn't such a bad thing."

"Of course it is, Ill go insane! There's a chance of me sneaking into their bus at night and killing Gerard while he's sleeping, but then Ill have to kill the witnesses, so the whole band will wind up dead, and Ill probably get caught and get the death penalty, and then the band would have to replace me, but that's impossible cause I'm the best lead singer ever. Do you want that to happen?"

"I think we will take that chance. Is everybody else okay with this?"There was a couple mumbles of thing that sounded like yes. I just sat there feeling sorry for myself.

"Okay, Ill call the tour coordinators and set it up."

I shot him an evil glare, but he just smiled back. He was enjoying my misery. Katrina seemed to be also because she had begun to sing "I'm Not Okay" in my ear. I picked up the drumstick Jackson threw at me and hit her over the head with it.

"OWWW!!! Bitch that hurt!"

"Oops, I'm sooo sorry"

She grabbed the drumstick from my hand and was just about to kill me half to death with it, but Tyler stole it before she could.

"You guys really need to practice your new songs; you're going on tour soon." Then he threw the drumstick back to Jackson and went into his office. I kinda felt like crying, not because I was sad or anything. I was just really frustrated. Things never went my way anymore.

"Roz, you okay?" I looked up at Jazz; she sounded truly concerned. That was the good thing about having your lifelong best friend in your band; you always had someone who understood you, even when you couldn't understand yourself.

"Not really. But I'll be okay once we get some practicing down."
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I wrote this before The Black Parade