Venom and Hope

Chapter ten

The tour started better than I thought it would. I only ran into My Chem once, but was saved by Bert who came up and started to make inappropriate advances towards me only to flat out tell me he wanted to fuck me. I, in return, kneed him in the balls, excused myself and walked away. I didn't see MCR, or Bert for that matter, the rest of the night.

The second show I wasn't as lucky with.

"Roz!!! Where the hell is it?!!?"

"How am I supposed to know?" I groaned.

Jazz was running around looking every where for her cell. If you hadn't noticed, she had a habit of setting phones down in random places, getting distracted and then forgetting where she left it. The concert had been over for about 2 hours or so and we were probably the only band that wasn't ready to leave because of her.

I flopped down on the couch and watched as Jazz tore apart her makeup bag for her phone, which wasn't in there. I actually knew where she put it but it was defiantly more fun to let her go crazy searching. Consider it revenge for what happened on the plane. Katrina and Jackson were both sitting in a chair taking turns playing Mario on Game boy. Katrina was sitting on Jackson's lap and his hand was resting on her thigh. I was way too tired to pay attention to that. I closed my eyes and put my head back for a quick cat nap.

About five minutes later I felt someone sit next to me. I opened my eyes to find myself face to face with Gerard.


I was a little too taken back to speak, so I just waved at him.

"What is Jazz doing?"

I looked up at Jazz who was now crawling around on the floor.

"Oh, she lost her phone."

"I see."


"I'm sorry about what happened with Bert last night."

"He's pretty straight foreword isn't he?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry...He's an ass"

"It's fine. It's not your fault anyways."

He shrugged. "Yeah, but he won't apologize for himself though."

"It's okay, really."

"I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again...I mean if you want me to."

"Uh...Thanks" Oh God! Did he just offer to protect me from Bert? He was making it really hard to ignore my feelings for him.

"No problem."


He looked down at my feet. "Nice socks"

"Huh?" I lifted my feet up and noticed that I had two different socks on. "I didn't notice that before...oh well"



"Hey Roz..."

I looked up at him again. I could tell he was struggling to tell me something.


"Um, do you, er...I mean, are you, no...uh well" He paused.


He took a deep breath. "Are you single?" He braced himself for my answer.

I frowned. "And why do you care?"

"I don't! No wait, well I do care but I don't care like that. I was just curious."

I smiled. "Maybe"

"Oh come on"

But our conversation was interrupted by Jazz, who was doing her victory dance after finally finding her cell.
"AHHH!!! ROZ!!! I found it!!!" She tackled me on the couch. "Oh, hello Gerard."

He was looking at her like she was mental. "Uh, hi"

"Does this mean we can leave now?" Jackson and Katrina were walking over, holding hands.

I looked at them strange, which made them quickly drop each others hand and look away.

"What?!" Katrina's face resembled a cherry tomato.

"Nothing" I pushed Jazz off me and got up to leave. Gerard caught my arm.

"Wait, you never answered my question"

Jazz scrambled up off the floor. "OOOH!!! What question?"

I rolled my eyes and shot Gerard a 'youidiot' look. "He asked me if I liked vanilla ice cream and yes I am-I mean I do." And with that I grabbed my bag and walked out to our bus, hoping that Gerard got my message.
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I don't really like this chapter for some reason.