Venom and Hope

Chapter thirteen

The next couple of weeks went by painfully slow. I hadn't seen too much of Gerard since the whole little bathroom scene and I had a feeling that he was avoiding me. Not that it really bothered me or anything, right?

"Why so glum Rozzie-poo?" Frank came up and stood next to me by the bus area.

"What? Oh, I'm just thinking"

Over the past week, Frank and I reformed our brother/sister type bond like thing. I talked to him when I was bored or needed to feel better about myself. Also, I could hit him as many times as I wanted and he'd never get mad.

"You have an ugly thinking face; I guess THAT'S why you don't do it that often!" He lit up a cigarette.

I punched him in the shoulder. "At least I don't have an ugly normal face"

"Ouch, that was cold"

"I'm sorry I might have gone a little too far there."

"Now my ego is permanently damaged."

"Don't worry. All your screaming love fans will make it all better soon" I cooed at him.

"I'm sure they will- hey what are your plans for after the tour?"

I shot him a questioning look but he just smiled. "I was gonna get married but now I guess we'll be doing more touring."

"You're engaged!?"

"Not anymore" I looked down, it was still kind of hard to believe.

"Oh that sucks, I'm sorry" But he didn't sound so sorry. "So you're single now right?"

"Yes, unfortunately"

"You know what? I just happen to now a great guy and he's also single" he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Well that's a plus"

"What do you say?"

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm really not one to go on blind dates Frank"

"It's not really a blind date when you've already fucked the guy now is it?"

"For the last time, I am not going out with Bob!"

He looked alarmed. "You fucked Bob!?"

"Who hasn't?"

He nodded in agreement. "It's not Bob anyway Silly Goose. It's Gerard"

"I figured"

"So yes or no?"

Jesus Christ, what was this, high school? "He sent you to ask me out for him?"

"Well, not exactly. But I'm almost positive that he will go out with you if you say yes."

I stopped and considered the possibility for a second. "Sure, why not?"


I shrugged. "Hey it can't be as bad as those dates we went on before"

"I love you!" He nearly killed with a bone-crushing hug and went off somewhere. Probably going to tell Gerard the wonderful news. I rolled my eyes.

Yes, we were that pathetic.
♠ ♠ ♠
short, but my fingers feel like they are going to fall off.