Stomach, Meet Butterflies

John's P.O.V

'An idiot that’s possibly falling in love with you' I felt like saying. But I couldn’t scare her off like that so I settled with some simple sarcasm. “An idiot that you love” I replied with a big grin on my face.
“Of course I love you, you big dummy” she said as she ruffled my hair and turned redder then a tomato.

“You’re blushing” I laughed knowing that she hates people pointing out when she’s blushing. “John” she whined as she put her face in her hands. In an attempt to hide her blushing “It’s okay sugar plum, I’m flattered” I replied as she looked up at me with a smug look on her face.

The next thing I know I was on my back on the ground with Allison laughing her head off. “you- you tackled me” I said as I rolled over and pinned her down. “You’re going to pay for that Ally” I said with a smirk on my face. “Is that so, And how are you going to do that?” She questioned. “Like This” I said as I started tickling her.

We were lying on the ground looking up at the roof when Allison decided to get serious.
“John” She said to get my attention, although little did she know she had my attention all along. “Thank you so much for helping me with this whole Chad thing. I haven’t even thought about him these past few hours” she said as she smiled. “Well, that’s great to hear” I replied. It really was great to hear that it was me she was thinking of and not him.

All of a sudden Anna got this horrid look on her face and ran off towards the bathroom. I figured she just needed to pee real bad or something. But all them thoughts went away when I heard her throwing up. ‘what the hell’ I muttered as I walked in and started whispering soothing words to her as I held back her hair.

“John, Why is it so hard for me?” she asked as she was leaned over the toilet in case she needed to throw up again. I really had no idea what she was speaking about. “What’s so hard for you?” I questioned. “To forget him John, I can’t forget about him” she said as she looked into my eyes. “That’s normal babe, you were together for a long time. It’s normal for you to be not over him”

“John, I really need you to do something for me. And please, please, please do not freak out when I say this. But I need you to go to the pharmacist for me.” She looked like she was about to cry. “Sure, what do you need?” I asked. “A t-test, a p-p-pregnancy test” She said softly with her eyes shut.

I was shocked. I think my even the look on my face just screamed that I was beyond shocked. “w-what, Please tell me you don’t think you’re actually pregnant Ali” She couldn’t be. This would just shatter my entire universe.

“I-I don’t know John” She said. “I might be. W-We did it John. We had sex and it wasn’t protected” She said as she started sobbing into her knees. “Oh god Allison” I said as I got down next to her and wrapped my arms around her fragile frame.

“It was the day before he cheated on me John” She said as she cried harder. “THE DAY BEFORE HE CHEATED ON ME! WAS I THAT BAD THAT HE HAD TO CHEAT ON ME THE NEXT DAY TO BE SATISFIED!” She yelled as she wrapped her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. Everything will be fine. I promise you, I will never let anything bad happen to you” I told her.

But little did I know.
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hope yous enjoy.
real sorry it took so long for me to get this up. i had stupid trial school certificate exams all last week. so i was stuck in my room studying for a long time! But exams are over and its holidays so expect many updates :)

This would just shatter my entire universe.
if you know what that quotes from then YOU ARE AMAZING!

well Sarah's the next to update so go hassle her :)

oh and we have 9 people subscribed, WHERE ARE OUR COMMENTS?!
just kidding, love yous all but seriously? 9 subscribers and not one comment?
come on guiiiiz! ;)