I Almost Had You


Matt grinned and placed his hands on Andrea's shoulders and started shaking. "Babe, wake your pretty face up," he mumbled into her ear.

She tried pretending to be asleep, but it didn't last too long. She couldn't help the smile from spreading across her face, and then she opened her eyes to see Matt's face.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey there, pretty woman." He said with a dimply grin.

She placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss. His shirtless, toned chest pressed hard against hers. His hands traced her curvy sides with ease, already knowing every part of her body.

Just as Matt won dominance over her mouth she pulled away and looked over to the alarm clock which resided next to their bed. Her eyes widened when she saw the time. "Did you already take Jax?" She questioned.

Matt chuckled and shook his head, planting a quick kiss on her lips. "Nah, it was Charlotte's turn today. Daddy has everything under control."

Andrea let out a deep sigh of relief. "Thank God. I nearly had a heart attack there."

Matt chuckled and rolled over to the side of her. "You're so cute when you're nervous. Your eyes get all big." He stated with a grin.

She smiled up at him. "Thank you?"

Matt paused just to smile. "So, what are the plans for today?" He asked.

Andrea raised an eyebrow. "You, my love, are supposed to get ready for tour, since you've neglected doing it for the past month."

Matt shook his head. "I got all packed last night while you were asleep. I want the whole day with you, and so that's what I'm getting." He said firmly. "Char's watching Jax."

Andrea grinned and shook her head. "You are such a good husband," she informed him and gave him a quick kiss, "and such a good daddy."

He beamed. "Well, you're the best wife and mommy I could ever ask for."

Andrea felt her face heat up slightly, and so she got out of bed. "So, what does my boy exactly want to do all day?" She asked, smirking at him.

"Well," Matt said, biting his lower lip, "you know half of what I want to do. The other half is I want to actually go out somewhere. Shocking, I know."

Andrea laughed. "Where would you want to go?"

"I was thinking pizza? I don't want to go anywhere fancy; I just want to have a good time with you, baby."

Andrea grinned. "You are so good to me."

"Only because I love the fuck out of you—quite literally, might I add."

Andrea chuckled. "Yeah, you do that rather well, I must say."

Matt grinned triumphantly and got out of bed. "Don't waste time, babe!" He urged suddenly, giving her ass a firm slap, "get in the shower so we can go out and have fun!"

She let out a small squeak, but smiled at him. "Calm yourself, Sanders!"

"No I will not, Sanders!"

Andrea chuckled and entered the bathroom. She was a little surprised Matt wasn't joining her, but she could live with that. Today she'd get to have an actual shower.

Once the temperature was at a nice scalding hot, she climbed in. It didn't take long for Andrea to shampoo and condition her hair, plus wash her face and body. Once she was done she exited the shower, tightly turned the shower off.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she smirked when Matt was laying in bed, grinning. "Not till tonight, babe." Andrea said and stuck her tongue out at him.

He made a pouting face. "Don't start acting like your child, Matthew Charles!" Andrea warned with a laugh.

Matt smiled and buried his head deep in his pillow. He said a few muffled words, and Andrea simply chuckled and started getting changed. She tugged on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, nothing too fancy, then some sneakers. In all honesty, she didn't want to spend too much time getting ready. She wanted every moment of the day to be with Matt, whether the clothes be on or off.

He pulled away from his pillow and smiled at her. "You look sexy."

"No, you're just horny."

Matt paused, "your argument is invalid."

The couple grinned and Matt got up and swiftly got himself dressed and ready to go. The two were quick to get to the car; every moment could be wasted on idiotic details on a day like today.

Matt started the car and soon enough they were pulling out of the driveway, and then on to the highway.

Matt stopped at a red light and sighed, keeping one hand firmly on the steering wheel. He glanced over at Andrea, who head her head turned to look out her window.

"Green light," she said softly, chuckling to herself when Matt jolted his head back to the road.

He slowly pressed the gas pedal down and the car started to go forward. Just as they crossed the middle of the road, a loud screech of tires came from beside them.

But it wasn't enough. A car collided with the side of Matt's car, the sound of metal on metal screaming in the air. Horns blared, and Matt and Andrea got flipped over, glass from the windshield and windows shattering with each roll.

Andrea had her arms wrapped around her head in a feeble attempt to keep herself safe, and she kept her eyes shut tight. Matt's arms flung over his chest and clenched tight.

The car slid down the road, the metal still screeching with every inch. When it finally stopped, Matt coughed and opened his eyes, looking around the smoke and dust-filled car. A sea of shattered glass surrounded him and Andrea, and he let out another ragged cough.

"Andrea, babe, are you okay!?" He yelled, trying desperately to unbuckle his seatbelt.

His heart raced when he got no answer. "Andi!"

Still nothing. "Andrea, wake the fuck up! Don't do this to me!"

Finally he managed to tear his seatbelt off and turned toward Andrea. Matt couldn't do anything, he felt paralyzed; there was blood. A lot of blood, all stemming from Andrea. "Andi!"

"Matthew Charles Sanders! Wake up!"

Matt's eyes flickered open quickly. He felt sweat sliding down his temple and he was breathing heavy as he looked up at Val. His eyes were wide, the dream still vivid in his mind.

"What were you dreaming about?" She asked.

Matt sighed and rubbed his head, wiping away some of the perspiration which had formed on his forehead. "Car accident."

Val sighed. "The same one?" She asked softly, placing a hand on his arm.

He shook his head. "No, it was different. Totally different." He said, keeping his gaze on the edge of the bed he shared with Val.

Val raised an eyebrow. "You okay?"

Matt sighed and shook his head, standing up. "I'm going to get some air." He muttered, unable to shake the feeling that Andrea was still hurt.

He walked outside the house after tugging on a white wifebeater. Once outside, the cool morning air of California hit him hard. He sucked in a deep breath, the fresh air doing wonders for his heart. He looked down at the phone, which he had tightly gripped in his hand. He lifted it and scrolled through his contacts before finding Andrea and calling her.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey, Andrea." He sighed, a hint of relief in his voice.

"Something wrong?" She inquired, sounding a bit concerned. She let out a loud yawn.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No," she sighed, "I was having a nightmare and woke up a few seconds before you called, actually." She answered.

Matt's heart skipped a beat. They couldn't have had the same dream, right? "Was it a car accident?"

Andrea was silent for a few moments. "Yeah, yeah it was. Only not ours. It was weird; I was with you, but it wasn't the same accident."

Matt let out an audible groan. "I had a similar one. I can't stand these fucking nightmares. I still have them all the time."

Andrea sighed. "I'm sorry, Matt."

"It's not your fault, babe."

"I know. I just know the accident really fucked us up."

Matt suddenly smiled. "You know what was weird? In the dream, we were married. And we had a son."

He could hear the smile on her face. "His name was Jax."
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dream outfit