

Opening my front door I felt someone near me. It'd been like this for months. I always felt like someone was watching me. It was creepy. I walked inside my house and locked the door behind me. Walking up the stairs all I could hear was them creaking, one by one. I felt paranoid. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

I walked into my room and shut the door behind me quickly. My heart beating faster with every quick breath I took. I turned around to see a dark figure standing behind me. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I was petrified. They walked closer to me, each step forward they took, I took one back.

The back of my legs hit the bed and my eyes widened as I fell backwards onto it.
I could see the person was a woman when the moonlight hit her face, deep chocolate brown eyes starred into mine as she stood in front of me. She dropped the black trench coat she was wearing to reveal a ruffled white blouse with a cameo brooch pinned at the throat of it. High waisted skin tight black trousers. And winkle pickers shined to perfection.

'Who the fuck is this person!' I thought as I starred at her.

"I've been watching you for a while Rebecca." She said, offering her hand to pull me up.

I timidly grabbed her hand as she pulled me up in one swift move, our chests bumped together and she wrapped her arms around me while she could. I struggled but she held onto me firmly. Tears started to fall as I panicked.

"Don't cry angel." She said, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"What do you want from me." I sobbed.

I stopped struggling and fell into her chest.