

Summer had been looking after me for two weeks now. She tried to do everything for me but I protested and attempted to do things for myself, most of the time failing miserably.

“Sit on the sofa and watch TV. I’ll be back at 11 and I’ll get us a chinese on the way back.” Summer said, hugging me goodbye and kissing me on the cheek.

“Okay, bye babes.” I said as she let me go.

I watched TV for a couple of hours before deciding to go and run a bath.
I walked to Summer’s bathroom and turned on the bath taps. I poured some bubble bath in the bath and closed the door. I attempted to take off my clothes. Just managing to take them off.

I stood there naked, waiting for the bath to fill up. As soon as it was full enough I stepped in. Hissing because the water was a little bit hotter than I expected. I eased myself down in the bath slowly. Making sure not to get my cast wet. I leaned down the bath a little so my ears where under the water. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Enjoying the quiet and warmth of the water. After about 10 minutes of relaxing I sat up and washed my hair and body one handed, struggling a little. I sank down into the water again and closed my eyes.

I heard a scream and opened my eyes to see Summer standing in the door way with her hands over her eyes.

“I’m sorry, oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She repeated over and over again.

“It’s fine, can you pass me a towel please?” I asked Summer, trying to hide my pink cheeks.

She passed me a towel and dashed out of the room.
I got dry and dressed into some pj’s and joined Summer downstairs to be greeted by a lovely plate of chinese food.

We sat on the sofa watching TV, eating our food. Arms brushing together every now and then making me blush.

We finished eating and put our plates in the kitchen. We sat next to each other, legs touching. I put my legs on the sofa and leant my head on Summer’s shoulder. Her arm wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me closer.

She looked at me and I lifted my head up. Watching her eyes dart from my eyes to my lips.

‘Fuck it!’ I thought and leaned in. Kissing her softly.

Her arm around my shoulders moved to the back of my neck, her fingers playing with my hair.

Surprisingly she opened her mouth first. Her tongue pushing past my lips to meet my own. The kisses where still soft and slow. I found it really romantic. I tried to wrap my arms around Summer, failing due to my cast, so she only had one of my arms around her.
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It's a little bit shorter than I wanted but I'm really sleepy right now. It's 2:47am and I need to be up in a couple of hours. So goodnight my lovely readers. xxx