

Another two weeks had past and it was time to get my cast taken off.
I sat in the hospital room waiting for the doctor to come in with the saw to cut my cast off.

The doctor came in and smiled at me.

“Well Rebecca your arm has healed very well.” He said.

I sat there as he cut the cast off. I wriggled my fingers about and grinned. Laughing at the tan lines.

“Thanks Doc, can I go now?” I asked.

“Yes. Just look after yourself.” He said.

I walked out of the hospital, feeling free.
I decided to walk the 20 minute walk to Summers house, a spring in my step.

Ten minutes into the walk someone pushed me against a wall.

“Give me your bag or I’ll shank you!” A man said, holding a knife up to my chest.
I started crying, frozen with fear.

“Get the fuck off of her or I’ll fucking shoot.” A venomous voice hissed.

I heard the click of a gun and the thug ran off. My stalker was standing there. She slid the gun into her trench coat pocket and wrapped her arms around me.

“I missed you.” She whispered into my ear.

I sobbed into her shoulder for a few minutes before she grabbed my hand. Leading me away from the alley I almost got stabbed in.

“Common, we’re going to mine.” She said.

“Are you finally going to tell me your name?” I asked wiping my eyes.

“Maybe later.” She said.

We walked into a cosy neighbourhood and we came to a small house. She opened the door and lead me in.

“It’s not much but it’s home.” She said, locking the door behind her.

“It’s nice…“ I said looking at the gold and black walls.

She grabbed my hand again and took me upstairs. As soon as we reached her room she kissed me. Surprisingly softly.

She pushed me lightly on the bed and crawled on top of me.