

When we where finished I looked at the clock and cursed. 1:24AM
I got off the bed and quickly pulled my clothes on and attempted to sort out my messy hair and wipe off the smudged lipstick.
I checked my phone and saw there where 17 missed calls from Summer and numerous worried texts.

I grabbed my body spray out of my bag and quickly sprayed myself hoping to get the smell of sex off of me.

I quickly kissed and said goodbye to Lilly and ran down the stairs and out the door.
I walked as fast as I could to Summers. A lit cigarette hanging from inbetween my lips. I took deep drags on it as I speed walked to Summers house.

After a good 15 minutes of walking I stood on Summers doorstep awkwardly. I reached into my bag and pulled out the spare key and let myself in.

I poked my head into the living room to see Summer asleep on the sofa. Even in the really dim light I could see the grey streaks of dried tears on her soft cheeks.
I frowned and walked into the kitchen and saw the table set up with candles and roses. I saw a note next to the plate with food still on it. I picked it up and read it.

‘I thought I’d surprise you but you obviously never turned up. I blew off band practice and took the night off work. I’m guessing whatever you where doing was more important than me.’

My eyes started tearing up as I felt the guilt build up in the pit of my stomach.
I let a tear fall and quickly wiped it away. I walked into the living room and put a blanket over Summer kissing her forehead as I did so.

I grabbed the piece of paper with the note on and quickly jotted back.

‘I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I’m going home since I don’t really feel welcome at the moment. I’ll pick my stuff up in a couple of days. Bex x’

I walked out the house and locked up. I stood on the pavement and lit up a cigarette, letting the tears fall.

I started walking the long walk home but my feet lead me another way.