

Waiting for the water to run clear I stepped out of my shower and grabbed a towel. And wrapped my hair up before putting a towel around my body.
I walked to my bedroom and sat on my bed. I tried to towel dry my hair but failed and decided to plug in my hair dryer and blow dry it.
When it was dry I looked into the mirror and grinned at my new platinum blonde hair. I saw Summer’s name flash up on my phone and answered it.

“Helloooo?” I said in a happy tone.

“Hey…you sound happy.” She said.

“Yeah, had a little pampering.” I chirped.

“Okay. I’m taking you out tonight.” Summer stated.

“Okay, when shall I be ready for?” I asked.

“I’ll give you an hour.”

“Okay, you picking me up in the shit mobile?” I laughed.

“Yes..see you in an hour.”

“Okay cya!”


I ended the call and headed for my wardrobe. I pulled out a long blue and while striped top with a red anchor on and a pair of black leggings.

I got dressed and slipped some black pumps on. I sat at my vanity table and put my make up on pin up girl style with black winged eyeliner on my top lid, mascara, blusher and red lipstick.

I had 20 minutes to wait so I checked my facebook and saw I had a friend request from Lillan Gibson. I smiled and accepted the request. I closed my laptop, grabbed my bag and headed outside. I stood on the curb looking at my feet for a while, kicking at dirt.

After 5 minutes Summer’s car pulled up and I got inside and belted up.
On the way to wherever we where going Summer and I chatted and sang to the radio.

I looked up and saw we where at the Cordella.
I gulped slightly and slowly got out of the car after we pulled up.

“Why are we here?” I asked.

“Band practise silly.” Summer said.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
I kept my eyes to the floor as we walked into the practise room.

“Hey guys! This is Bex. A really good friend of mine. Bex this is Jimmy, Mini and Lilly.” Summer said pointing at everyone.

Lilly did a double take at my new hair and looked pissed off.
Summer pulled me to everyone and chatted to Mini while I stood there awkwardly.

“Summer, I’m going out for a fag.” I said and rushed outside.

Once I was outside I pulled out my cigarette packed and quickly lit one up.
I leaned against the brick wall and felt really bad.
I looked up as I heard someone walking to me.

“So you’re Summer’s little play thing.” Lilly hissed.

“I..” I started but Lilly cut me off.

“I thought you where mine!” Lilly shouted.

She pinned me against the wall and looked deep into my eyes. I saw anger and pain in hers and it took a lot to keep myself together.

“Lilly…it just sort of happened with Summer.. We’re not together, just must understand that. I met her the day after I met you and she was caring and you were still a bit rough with me back then.” I said.

I saw tears form in Lilly’s eyes.

“I’m in love with you. As soon as I saw you, you had to be mine.” Lilly said letting the tears fall.

I looked at her shocked and saw the pain on her face as her heart broke.

“Fuck this. I’m going.” Lilly mumbled and walked off.

I wanted to chase after her but my legs wouldn’t move. A pained yelp left my lips as I started to sob. I fell to the floor and buried my head into my knees.

I started to think straight and got up. I started running. I just wanted to get away.

After a good half an hour of running I stopped and braced myself on my knees, wheezing.

“Fuck I need to stop smoking.” I muttered to myself.

I looked at my surroundings and recognized where I was, the neighbourhood where I grew up.

I walked slowly for about 5 minutes and knocked slowly on a door I’d been to many times.
It opened and I saw the kind face of my mother looking at me shocked.

“Christ love, you looked like you’ve been dragged through hell and back” She said, pulling me into a warm embrace.

“I feel like it mummy.” I said. And yes at 20 years of age I still called my mum mummy.

“Let get the kettle on.” She said as she let me go.

I sat there in my old spot on the sofa with my old mug in my hands filled with nice hot tea.

My mum sat opposite me with her coffee. We where catching up on gossip.

“Gabby’s pregnant…again and Auntie Jan’s got herself a new man.” My mum said.

“Not surprised, Gabby’s slept with half the lads in Longdale and that’s nice Auntie Jan had a hard time with Kyle. She deserves a good bloke.”

“Now then love, when are you going to get a boyfriend and give me a grandchild?” My mum asked.

“Mum! I’m a lesbian!” I shouted.

“It’s a phase love, it‘ll go soon.”

“Well it’s a fucking long phase!” I shouted.

“Rebecca!! Language!”

“Sorry but I can’t help it. I like ..wait no I love girls.”

“Urgh fine then. Have you got a girl in your life then?” My mum asked making my temper go.

My face fell and I started to tear up.
“I did. I had two. But I think both hate me now.”

“Okay love.” My mum said, leaving it alone knowing it was a sensitive subject.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been a while. I lost my memory stick with this on. I found it yesterday and I've been writing like crazy. xx