

I opened my eyes groggily. I had the worst nightmare ever. I must of been crying in my sleep because my eyes ached. I stood up and saw my clothes folded and placed on my pillow. A bit weird but I didn't think anything of it.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my tooth brush, I turned to the sink and almost dropped my tooth brush in shock. There was a huge red and purple lovebite on my neck and my cheek was red and swollen.

I let out a loud sob. It was real! It wasn't a nightmare. I quickly brushed my teeth, got dressed and put my make up on. I grabbed my keys and left. I didn't feel safe in my own home.

I lit a cigarette and took long deep drags. I felt so stressed and scared.
Walking into town gave me time to breathe and analyze things. Who was she and what did she want from me. How long had she been stalking me for.

I reached my destination. The pub. I needed a good drink to calm me down. The bar maid eyed me up.

"Jesus girl, you look like you've dragged through hell and back." She said.

"Yeah I feel like it. Double archers and lemonade please." I said with a small smile.

She poured and mixed my drink. I reached in my purse to get my money but she put her hand on mine.

"On the house." She said, giving me a warm smile.

"Thank you. I swear I've seen you from somewhere." I said with a small smile.

"Really? I'm in a band but I doubt you've seen us." She said with a smirk.
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I hope you all like :D xx