

"I sometimes go and see bands at the Cordella." I said to the bar maid.

"Really! We've played there before." She said smiling.

I turned my head to the side to look at the people passing by.

“Jesus, that’s a cracker on your neck!” She gasped.

“Eh..yeah..” I said, shuddering at the memories from the night before.

“Who gave you it?” She asked, stroking her fingers softly against my neck, making me shiver,

“My erm…girlfriend.” I said, mentally slapping myself.

“Oh..you’re gay?” She asked a little pleased smirk on her lips.

“Yeah.” I said, taking a sip from my drink.

“Me too.” She smiled. Then walking away to see to other customers.

The friendly bar maid had to go and I had more drinks, drinking one after another.
Before I knew it, it was 11:30 at night and I knew I’d have to go home.

The alcohol gave me new found courage and decided to walk home, alone in the dark.

Bad idea.

After about 5 minutes of walking I was grabbed and pulled into a side road.

I had no time to scream before those brown eyes gazed into mine again.

In my intoxicated state I lifted up my hand and slapped her across the face. Only to be slapped back and thrown over her shoulder.
I decided I was quite comfy laying on her shoulder and kept quiet.

We reached my house and she reached into my pocket and pulled my keys out.
I was half asleep at this point and almost fell to the floor when she placed me on the ground to unlock the door.

“Why do you stalk me? It’s weird. You could just add me on facebook or something and we could maybe hook up. But no you stalk me. And kiss me and slap me and grab me when I’ve had a drink or two.” I slurred.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into my house.

“I like it this way.” She said before slamming her lips to mine.