

I woke up feeling the warm sunlight seeping from the crack in my curtains falling on my face. I was just about to open my eyes and sit up until I felt an arm around my waist and a leg spooning me.

My eyes opened and I slowly rolled over. Trying not to wake the person slumbering next to me. And there she was. My stalker in full glory. The duvet wrapped around her waist, a couple of strands of hair covering her face. The moment would’ve been romantic if it wasn’t for the fact she was stalking me for god knows how long.

I slipped out of her grasp and walked towards my bathroom. Hearing my stranger say “Nice arse.” as I slipped through the bathroom door.

I was confused as how to react about the situation. I stood there for a couple of minutes thinking and then turned on the shower and stepped in.

Once I was clean I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a fluffy white towel.

I walked into my bedroom finding my bed empty. I sighed and got dressed. Pants, bra, blue jeans and a red blouse.

I applied my make up and styled my hair, making sure everything was perfect.

I walked downstairs and made myself a cup of tea, sitting at the little table in my kitchen for a while, sipping my hot beverage.

When I drank my tea I walked towards the front door and yelped as I stood on something.
I looked down and saw my admirers cameo brooch. Thankfully it wasn’t broken.
I pinned it to the pocket on my blouse and slipped on my shoes.

Making sure I had everything I needed I grabbed my keys and left.
I slipped on my sunglasses since the morning sun burned my eyes and lit up a cigarette.
Deciding to go to a café for breakfast I walked into town. Smiling while walking in the warm sunlight.

I reached the café, after 10 minutes, it was called café Zing and it did the best breakfast in town. I ordered a small breakfast and a cup of tea and sat at my table for about ten minutes checking facebook on my Iphone.

“Excuse me? Is this seat taken?” A small voice asked.

I looked up to see the bar maid from the night before.

“No, certainly not.” I said smiling.

She put her coffee down on the table and sat across from me.

“I forgot to introduce myself yesterday. My name’s Summer.” She said holding her hand out.

“I’m Bex.” I said, shaking her hand.

We chatted for a while before my breakfast came, soon followed by hers.

“So how’s you and your girlfriend?” She asked, taking a bite out of her toast.

“I’m single, I lied yesterday…I’m kinda having a fling with this woman at the moment but I think it’s pretty much ended now.” I said, down casting my eyes.

“Really? I understand what you mean. And well… seeing as you’re single…do you want to join me for a drink tonight after I’ve finished my shift at the pub tonight?”
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I just wrote a chapter and a half in a hour! :D I should be writing more now. xx